Characteristics and potential uses of the functional plant Sonchus arvensis L.
苏文雯;杨泉峰;欧阳芳;门兴元;戈 峰
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作者单位:中国科学院动物研究所,农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室,北京 100101; 中国科学院大学生物互作卓越中心,北京 100049;山东省农业科学院植物保护研究所,济南 250100
英文关键词:functional plant; Sonchus arvensis L.; natural enemies
中文摘要:苣荬菜Sonchus arvensis L. 在我国广泛分布,具有耐干旱、耐盐碱、适应性强、管理简便、花期长的特点。我们于2018年9月最先在山东发现苣荬菜上涵养着大量的天敌昆虫和传粉昆虫。经过进一步调研,显示苣荬菜与周围作物(玉米、小麦)无共同害虫,其花期7-10月,与玉米生长同期,可为玉米田天敌昆虫提供持续的营养补充,维持天敌昆虫种群;同时也是一种优质的蜜粉源植物,符合功能植物的基本特征。本文综述了苣荬菜作为华北玉米田功能植物的特征,建议通过在玉米田边通过种植苣荬菜可作为玉米害虫生态控害的手段,以实现维持天敌生物控害、减少化学农药投入、增加收入、改善农田生态环境和美丽乡村等目标。
英文摘要:Sonchus arvensis L. is a medicinal and edible
plant that is widely distributed in China. It has a long flowering period, is
highly adaptable, resistant to drought and salinity and is easily planted and
managed. In September 2018 we discovered that S. arvensis is a high-quality honey and pollen source in north
China due to its long flowering period and the large number of pollinators it
attracts. It has no common pests and has the basic characteristics of a
functional plant. The flowering period of S.
arvensis is from July to October, the same as the corn growing period,
which suggests that S. arvensis could
help maintain populations of natural predators by providing these with a
continuous nutritional supplement during the corn growing season. Therefore,
planting S. arvensis in conjuction with crops could be a new way of
controlling pests that could reduce the use of chemical pesticides, enrich the
diversity of natural predators, increase farmers' income, and improve the
environment, all of which have important economic, ecological, and social