Frequency of migration of agricultural pests across the Bohai Sea in northern China and a control strategy for these species
周 燕;张浩文;吴孔明
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英文关键词:agricultural pest; overseas migration; population structure; migratory pattern; biological regularity; new control strategy
迁飞是农业害虫适应环境变化、保障种群繁衍的季节性转移为害策略。受东亚季风气候的影响,农业害虫在中国迁飞致灾问题十分严重。我们自2003年起,在农业昆虫自华北及其以南地区迁入东北地区的必经之地,位于渤海中间的山东省长岛县北隍城岛(38º24′N;120º55′E),系统监测研究了迁飞昆虫的种类组成、群落结构、种群动态、生理生化特征和季节性迁飞规律。研究表明,跨越渤海迁飞的昆虫种类有9目36科120余种,以棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)、粘虫Mythimna separate(Walker)等鳞翅目害虫为优势种类。多数种类呈现迁飞性昆虫的生理生化特征,春季和夏初种群多数个体卵巢发育成熟、交配基本完成,显示迁飞末期的生殖特征,夏末和秋季种群卵巢尚未发育、交配率低,显示迁飞初期的生殖特点。对迁飞路径的分析表明,迁飞类型可分为以亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner)和绿盲蝽 Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür)为代表的单个夜晚为主的近距离迁飞,其迁移距离多在200 km以内;以棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)和二点委夜蛾Athetis lepigone(Möschler)为代表的1-2个夜晚为主的中距离迁飞,其迁移距离多在500 km以内;以及以小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon (Rottemberg)和粘虫 Mythimna separate (Walker)为代表的多个夜晚的远距离迁飞,其迁移距离多远于500 km。文中基于这些害虫的迁飞生物学特征和迁飞规律,提出了以“阻断成虫迁飞过程”为核心的防控策略。
Insect populations embark on long-distance migrations to avoid adverse environmental conditions and obtain suitable conditions for reproduction. The East Asian monsoon climate is a major driver of pest migration, which poses serious challenges for food production and security in China. Systematic studies conducted since 2003 on Beihuang Island (38º24′N; 120º55′E) in the center of the Bohai Strait, a key migration route for insects migrating from Northern China and further south into Northeastern China, have obtained data on the species composition, population structure and dynamics, physiological and biochemical properties and seasonal migration frequency, of migratory insects. The results reveal that up to 120 species from 9 orders and 36 families migrate across the Bohai Strait, the most abundant being the Noctuidae, especially, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) and Mythimna separate (Walker). Most migratory insects captured in spring and early summer are sexually mature and mated, which is typical of the late migratory stage, whereas later cohorts are immature and have a higher proportion of unmated individuals, which is typical of the early migratory stage. Analysis of migration routes indicate that migratory patterns can be divided into 3 types: short, medium and long, distance migration. Examples of short distance migrants are Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) and Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür) which typically travel 200 km in a single night. Examples of medium distance migrants areH. armigera and Athetis lepigone (Möschler) which typically travel less than 500 km within 1-2 nights. Examples of long-distance migrants are Agrotis ipsilon (L.) (Hufnagel) and Mythimna separate (Walker) which typically travel at least 500 km over several nights. Based on these biological properties and migration patterns, a control strategy focused on the migratory behavior of adult insect pests is suggested.