Research progress on prevention and control of invasive insects in China
彭 露;万方浩;侯有明
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英文关键词:biological invasions; genetic differentiation; interspecies interaction; ecological adaptation; prevention and control technology
Increasing economic
integration, crop structure adjustment, and global climate change have led to China becoming one of many countries that has been severely affected by
invasive species. The majority of invasive species in China are invasive
insects. It is important, therefore, to clarify the factors that affect their
abundance, and to develop efficient methods of prevention and control for these
pests. This article provides an overview of progress
in research on the biological characteristics, genetic differentiation,
interspecies interactions and ecological adaptation, of invasive insects, as well
as their early detection, field monitoring and prevention and control
technology in China over the past 20 years. Perspectives and directions for
future research on invasive insects are also discussed. Information in the
factors affecting the occurrence of invasive insects,
prospects for improving current control strategies and tactics for preventing
biological invasions, are also provided.