Molecular regulatory mechanism of wing polymorphism in insects
袁一杨;陈 新;王竹承;戈 峰
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作者单位:中国科学院动物研究所农业虫鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室,北京 100101; 沧州师范学院,沧州 061001
英文关键词:wing polyphenism; molecular regulatory mechanism; signaling pathway, micro RNA; lateral gene transfer
How organisms adapt
to a changing environment is an important question in biology. Wing
polymorphism allows insects to respond rapidly to environmental cues and
balance their energy allocation between dispersal and reproduction. However,
the molecular mechanism underlying this process is largely unknown. In this
review, we discuss current knowledge regarding the mechanisms regulating wing
polymorphism at the molecular level, including the insulin/insulin-like growth
factor signaling pathway, ecdysone signaling pathway, JH signaling pathway, JNK
signaling pathway, biogenic amine signaling pathway, as well as the lateral
transfer of virus genes. These results not only shed light on how such pathways
regulate the switching between different wing types, but also provides new
perspectives for developing novel insect management strategies.