Predation of Semidalis aleyrodiformis (Stephens) on Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)
罗小龙;韩阅叶;梁建锋;周 镇;王兴民
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作者单位:广东省生物农药创制与应用重点实验室, 华南农业大学农学院昆虫学系,广州 510642; 中华人民共和国淮安海关,淮安 223001
英文关键词:Semidalis aleyrodiformis; Bemisia tabaci; predation; functional response
【目的】 广重粉蛉Semidalis aleyrodiformis(Stephens)是烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)的重要天敌昆虫之一,为了明确其控制潜能,本文研究了广重粉蛉对烟粉虱的捕食作用。【方法】 在室内温度(26±1)℃,相对湿度75%±5%,光照周期L∶D=14∶10条件下,对广重粉蛉幼虫捕食烟粉虱各个虫态的捕食作用进行研究。并且评估了广重粉蛉幼虫对烟粉虱卵、广重粉蛉成虫对烟粉虱若虫和伪蛹的捕食功能反应模型,同时,对广重粉蛉成虫捕食烟粉虱卵的干扰反应方程进行了拟合。【结果】 广重粉蛉幼虫对烟粉虱的捕食量随着广重粉蛉龄期的增大而增大。广重粉蛉幼虫对烟粉虱卵的功能反应和广重粉蛉成虫对烟粉虱各个虫态的捕食功能反应都呈HollingⅡ型。随着广重粉蛉龄期的增加,广重粉蛉对烟粉虱卵的寻找效率(a)逐渐增加,处置时间(Th)依次缩短;而广重粉蛉成虫对不同龄期烟粉虱的功能反应是随着猎物龄期的增加,寻找效率逐渐降低,处置时间(Th)依次延长。广重粉蛉自身密度方程为E=0.127 9×P-0.317 3,干扰系数为0.317 3。【结论】 研究表明,广重粉蛉4龄幼虫和雌成虫对烟粉虱有较好的捕食作用,控害潜力最大。
[Objectives] To understand the potential for using Semidalis aleyrodiformis (Stephens), one of the most important natural enemies of Bemisia tabaci, as a biological control for this pest. [Methods] Under laboratory conditions of (26±1) ℃, RH=75% and L︰D=14︰10, the functional response of S. aleyrodiformis larvae feeding on B. tabaci eggs and adults was determined. The interference equation of S. aleyrodiformis adults feeding on B. tabaci eggs was also determined. [Results] Predation of B. tabaci larvae increased with the age of S. aleyrodiformis and was highest for 4th instar larvae. The functional responses of S. aleyrodiformis larvae on B. tabaci eggs and adults conformed to Holling’s TypeⅡequation. Although the efficiency of S. aleyrodiformis searching for B. tabaci eggs gradually increased with age, the treatment time (Th) decreased. The search efficiency of S. aleyrodiformis gradually decreased with the age of B. tabaci aged and the treatment time increased. The density equation of S. aleyrodiformis was E=0.127 9×P-0.317 3 and the interference coefficient (m) was 0.317 3. [Conclusion] Fourth instar S. aleyrodiformis larvae and adult females have potential as a biological control for B. tabaci.