Semiochemicals used in chemical communication by phytophagous gall midges
张 凡;陈 君;陆鹏飞;刘 赛;郭 昆;徐 荣;乔海莉;徐常青
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作者单位:中国医学科学院,北京协和医学院,药用植物研究所,北京100193; 北京林业大学省部共建森林培育与保护教育部重点实验室,北京 100083
英文关键词:phytophagous gall midge; chemical communications; sex pheromone; host plant volatiles; pest control
Phytophagous gall midges
(Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) are important global pests of certain crops and trees.
The galls formed by these midges are extremely common in nature, and are
comprised of a special host plant tissue induced by these insects. Adult gall
midges are very small and their life span is very short. In general, females
emerge, mate once, and then search for host plants on which to oviposit.
Semiochemicals play a crucial role in host plant selection and mate location
and manipulating their behavior with semiochemicals has become a practical
method of gall midge management. This paper reviews progress in research on
gall midge attractants, including female sex pheromones, chemicals involved in
location of host plants, and the application of semiochemicals in the management
of pest species of cecidomyiid midges.