沙葱萤叶甲保幼激素结合蛋白基因 GdJHBP的克隆及表达分析
Cloning and expression profiling of the Galeruca daurica juvenile hormone binding protein gene, GdJHBP
陈 龙;周晓榕;谭 瑶;庞保平;新巴音
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作者单位:内蒙古农业大学草原昆虫研究中心,呼和浩特 010020;锡林浩特市草原工作站,锡林浩特 026000
中文关键词:沙葱萤叶甲;保幼激素结合蛋白;分子克隆;表达谱;夏滞育;高温Galeruca daurica; juvenile hormone binding protein; molecular cloning; expression profiling; summer diapause; high temperature
英文关键词:Galeruca daurica; juvenile hormone binding protein; molecular cloning; expression profiling; summer diapause; high temperature
【目的】 克隆沙葱萤叶甲Galeruca daurica保幼激素结合蛋白基因(Juvenile hormone binding protein,JHBP)cDNA全长序列,分析其分子特征和表达特性,为进一步明确其在沙葱萤叶甲生长发育及滞育中的作用奠定基础。【方法】 基于本实验室组装的沙葱萤叶甲转录组数据库,采用RACE技术,克隆沙葱萤叶甲GdJHBP基因cDNA全长序列;运用ORF Finder、SignaIP、DNAMAN和TMHMM等软件分析其分子特征;利用MEGA6.0软件中的邻接法(Neighbor-joining,NJ)构建系统发育树;应用荧光实时定量PCR(RT-qPCR)技术分析GdJHBP在沙葱萤叶甲不同发育时期、成虫不同组织及高温胁迫下的表达模式。【结果】 克隆获得了沙葱萤叶甲保幼激素结合蛋白基因GdJHBP cDNA全长序列(GenBank 登录号:MG460309),cDNA全长为826 bp,开放阅读框(ORF)为714 bp,编码237个氨基酸;蛋白质预测分子量为26.58 ku,等电点为4.37;包含1条信号肽,无跨膜区,且在第27-189位氨基酸之间存在一个保幼激素结合蛋白家族JHBP保守结构域。序列比对分析表明,不同昆虫JHBP间氨基酸序列一致性较低,沙葱萤叶甲GdJHBP与棕榈象Rhynchophorus
ferrugineus RfJHBP和马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata JHBP 3p2的氨基酸序列一致性最高也仅为30%。系统发育分析表明,GdJHBP与棕榈象血淋巴JHBP亲缘关系最近。RT-qPCR结果显示,GdJHBP在沙葱萤叶甲不同发育阶段均有表达,在幼虫期表达量最高,在卵和蛹期微量表达;在成虫滞育期间低表达,在滞育前与滞育结束后则有较高表达;在成虫发育过程中,头部的表达量显著低于腹部和胸部;高温(30-40 ℃)可诱导GdJHBP上调表达,在35 ℃时表达量达到最高值。【结论】 沙葱萤叶甲GdJHBP属于血淋巴JHBP,在沙葱萤叶甲生长发育和成虫夏滞育中可能发挥着重要作用。
[Objectives] To clone the full cDNA sequence of the Galeruca daurica (Coleoptera:
Chrysomellidae) juvenile hormone binding protein gene, analyze its molecular
characteristics and expression profiles, and provide information that will help
further clarify its function in the development and summer diapause of G. daurica. [Methods] Based on the
transcriptome database of G. daurica,
RACE technology was used to clone the full cDNA sequence of GdJHBP, the molecular characteristics of
which were analyzed by software, including ORF Finder, SignaIP, DNAMAN and
TMHMM. A neighbor- joining (NJ) phylogenetic tree was constructed using MEGA
6.0 software. Real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) was used to assay the
expression profiles of GdJHBP in different developmental
stages and adult tissues, and under high temperature. [Results] The full cDNA
sequence of GdJHBP (GenBank accession
No.: MG460309) obtained from G. daurica was 826 bp in length with an
open reading frame (ORF) 714 bp long, and encodes 237 amino acids with a
predicted molecular weight of 26.58 ku and an isoelectric point of 4.37. The
encoding protein is a single peptide without transmembrane structure, and
contains a conserved JHBP family domain between 27 and 189 residues. Sequence
alignment indicates a low amino acid sequence identity between the JHBPs of
different insects; the highest identity, with Rhynchophorus ferrugineus RfJHBP and Leptinotarsa decemlineata LdJHBP 3p2,
was only 30%. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that GdJHBP is most closely
related to a hemolymph JHBP from R.
ferrugineus. RT-qPCR indicates that GdJHBP was expressed in various developmental stages of G. daurica with the highest expression in larvae and the lowest in
eggs and pupae. Expression of GdJHBP was relatively low during the summer diapause of G. daurica adults and was higher both before, and after, diapause. GdJHBP was more highly expressed in the
thorax and abdomen than in the head during adult development. High temperatures
(30 to 40 ℃) induced GdJHBP to be
up-regulated with peak expression at 35 ℃. [Conclusion] GdJHBP belongs to the hemolymph JHBP family
and may play an important role in the development and summer diapause of G. daurica.