Compatibility of 8 common pesticides with Lecanicillium lecanii JMC-01 and the toxicity of different pesticide- L. lecanii combinations toxicity to Bemisia tabaci nymphs
谢 婷;景亮亮;张晓霞;张 英;马 跃;姜 灵;王新谱;贾彦霞
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英文关键词:pesticide; Lecanicillium lecanii JMC-01; Bemisia tabaci; compatibility; co-toxicity coefficient
【目的】 为明确8种常用农药与蜡蚧轮枝菌的相容性及对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci若虫的毒力。 【方法】 该试验采用涂板法和浸渍法分别测定了8种常用农药对蜡蚧轮枝菌菌丝生长、孢子萌发和产孢量以及对烟粉虱若虫的LC50和共毒系数。【结果】 结果表明,随着农药稀释倍数的增加,蜡蚧轮枝菌菌丝生长抑制率、孢子萌发抑制率和产孢抑制率依次降低。其中,生物源农药乙基多杀菌素、藜芦碱、印楝素与蜡蚧轮枝菌的相容性和协同增效作用最好。乙基多杀菌素、藜芦碱、印楝素在10倍稀释浓度下,孢子萌发抑制率分别为20.02%、16.41%、15.38%;产孢抑制率分别为17.77%、15.90%、14.96%;菌丝生长抑制率分别为9.96%、8.87%、9.74%。蜡蚧轮枝菌与印楝素、藜芦碱混合后协同增效作用最好,CTC最大值分别为315和302。【结论】 因此,应用蜡蚧轮枝菌防治烟粉虱,选择相容性好、共毒系数高的农药以低剂量与蜡蚧轮枝菌复配使用,可以大幅度减少农药的用量,对温室大棚烟粉虱的生物防治提供参考依据。
[Objectives] To determine the compatibility of eight common pesticides with Lecanicillium
lecanii JMC-01, and the toxicity of combinations of each pesticide and L.
lecanii JMC-01 to Bemisia tabaci nymphs. [Methods] The effects of each of eight pesticides on the spore germination
and sporulation of L. lecanii, and their LC50 and co-toxicity
coefficients with respect to B. tabaci nymphs, were tested using the
coating and dipping methods. [Results] The growth inhibition rate, spore
germination inhibition rate and sporulation inhibition rate of L. lecanii decreased
with pesticide dilution factor. The bio-pesticide lspinetoram, veratrine and
azadirachtin were the most compatibile and had the best synergistic effect with L. lecanii. The inhibition rates of spore germination for 10-fold
dilutions of lspinetoram, veratrine and azadirachtin were 20.02%, 16.41%, and
15.38%, respectively, and sporulation inhibition rates were 17.77%, 15.90%, and
14.96%, respectively. Mycelial growth inhibition rates for the above pesticides
were 9.96%, 8.87%, and 9.74%, respectively. The best synergistic control was
achieved using a combination of azadirachtin and veratrine with L.
lecanii. Maximum CTC was 315 and 302, respectively. [Conclusion] Selecting pesticides that are compatibile
with L. lecanii, and that have a high co-toxicity coefficient at low doses,
can significantly reduce the amount of pesticide required to control B.
tabaci in greenhouses.