Population dynamics and community characteristics of the natural enemies of wheat pests in coastal Jiangsu
【目的】 为明确江苏沿海地区麦田害虫天敌发生规律及动态,开发和利用小麦田天敌优势资源,促进小麦病虫害绿色防控技术持续发展。【方法】 本研究于2018年调查江苏省盐城市小麦田捕食性及寄生性天敌的种类和数量,分析其物种丰富度、种群优势度、均匀度指数、申农多样性指数和不同生育期天敌群落相似性指数。【结果】 调查共发现天敌昆虫和蜘蛛类2纲6目15科25种,其中捕食性天敌共4目12科22种,寄生性天敌共有2目3科3种。鞘翅目天敌2科5种,双翅目天敌2科7种,蜘蛛目天敌8科9种,脉翅目天敌2科2种。在小麦返青拔节期,田间调查共发现3目4科10种农业天敌资源;孕穗扬花期,田间调查共发现5目13科19种农业天敌资源;灌浆成熟期,田间调查共发现6目14科19种农业天敌资源;江苏沿海地区小麦不同生育期天敌群落相似性在0.318-0.810,其中在返青拔节期与灌浆成熟期天敌种群的相似性最低。返青拔节期,食蚜蝇科优势度最高为0.624,其次为茧蜂科的0.266;孕穗扬花期,茧蜂科、食蚜蝇科和瓢虫科优势度最高分别为0.395、0.270和0.249,属于优势种天敌资源。灌浆成熟期,瓢虫科和茧蜂科优势度分别为0.361和0.244,属于优势种天敌资源。Shannon-winner多样性指数为灌浆成熟期最高(2.143),返青拔节期最低(1.999)。Pielou均匀度指数为返青拔节期最高(0.868),孕穗扬花期最低(0.703)。Margalef丰富度指数为灌浆成熟期最高(2.526),返青拔节期最低(1.483)。【结论】 江苏沿海地区小麦田天敌资源丰富,其中食蚜蝇科、茧蜂科、瓢虫科是小麦生育期内重要的天敌资源,充分保护和利用天敌可以减少化学农药使用,提高小麦品质,增加经济效益、环境效益和社会效益。
[Objectives] To clarify the occurrence of the natural enemies of wheat pests in
coastal Jiangsu. [Methods] The
species and quantity of predatory and parasitic natural enemies of wheat pests
were investigated in Yancheng in 2018 and ecological principles and methods
used to analyze their population dynamics and community characteristics. [Results]
A total of 25 species of natural
enemies belonging to 2 classes, 6 orders and 15 families were recorded.
Predators were from 4 orders, 12 families and 22 species, and parasites were
from 2 orders, 3 families and 3 species. There were 2 families and 5 species of Coccinellida, 2 families and 7 species of Diptera, 2 families and 2 species
of Hymenoptera, and 8 families and 9 species of Arachnid.
At the wheat rejuvenation and jointing stage, field surveys found a total of 10
species of natural enemy, belonging to 3 orders and 4 families. During the
booting and flowering period, a total of 19 species of natural enemy, belonging
to 5 orders and 13 families, were found. During the filling and ripening stage,
a total of 19 species of natural enemy, from 14 orders and 14 families, were
found. The similarity index of natural enemies in different wheat growth stages
ranged from 0.318 to 0.810; those during the rejuvenation and jointing stage
and the filling and ripening stage were the lowest (0.318). In the rejuvenation
and jointing stage, the most dominant group was the Syrphidae (0.624), followed by the Braconidae (0.266). During the
flowering stage of the booting stage, the dominance values of the dominant
species; the Braconidae, Syrphidae and Coccinellidae, were 0.395, 0.270 and
0.249, respectively. During the mature stage, the dominance values of the
dominant families, the Coccinellidae
and Braconidae, were 0.361 and
0.244, respectively. The highest Shannon-Wiener index (2.143) was recorded
during the filling and ripening stage, and the lowest (1.999) during the
rejuvenation and jointing stage. The highest Pielou evenness index (0.868) was
recorded during the rejuvenation and jointing stage, and the lowest (0.703)
during the booting and flowering period. The highest Margalef richness index
was recorded during filling and ripening stage (2.526), and the lowest (1.483),
during the rejuvenation and jointing stage. [Conclusion] The Syrphidae, Braconidae and Coccinellidae are the most important natural enemies of wheat pests in coastal
Jiangsu during the wheat growing period. Full protection and utilization of
natural enemies can reduce the use of chemical pesticides, improve wheat
quality, and increase economic, environmental and social benefits.