Arthropod community characteristics and stability in maize fields adjacent to different crop types
张金龙;陈 强;钏 叠;李 强;张晓明;陈国华
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英文关键词:maize; adjacent planting; arthropods; community
【目的】 为明确不同邻作模式玉米田节肢动物群落特征及群落稳定性。【方法】 采用诱集和目测法对邻作咖啡、水稻、李树及单作的玉米田节肢动物群落进行系统调查,分析不同邻作环境对玉米田节肢动物群落特征及稳定性的影响。【结果】 共调查到节肢动物294种,隶属于4纲12目87科,与单作玉米田相比,邻作玉米田节肢动物群落的丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数均较高,优势集中性指数较低,不同邻作玉米田丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度度指数大小依次为:玉咖>玉稻>玉李>单作。不同邻作模式玉米田中的稳定指数Nn/Np、Nd/Np、Sn/Sp和Sd/Sp的值的大小顺序为:玉咖>玉稻>玉李>单作,稳定指数ds/dm值的顺序依次为:玉咖<玉稻<玉李<单作,与咖啡邻作玉米田节肢动物群落稳定性在调查的邻作模式中最高,单作玉米田的稳定性最低。【结论】 邻作能够增加玉米田节肢动物群落的多样性指数和稳定性,且玉米与咖啡邻作模式是最能够增加玉米田节肢动物群落稳定性和多样性指数的邻作模式。
[Objectives] To clarify the community characteristics and stability
of arthropods in maize fields adjacent to different crops. [Methods] The number of
arthropod species in maize fields was systematically sampled with traps and
visual observation in maize fields adjacent to three different crops; coffee
plantations, rice fields, plum orchards, and in a maize monoculture. [Results] A total of 294 species of arthropods were
collected, belonging to 4 classes, 12 orders and 87 families. Compared to the
monoculture, the richness, diversity and evenness of arthropods in maize fields
adjacent to different crops was higher, but dominance was lower. Different
adjacent crops could be ranked with respect to the richness, diversity and
evenness of arthropods in maize fields as follows: coffee > rice > plum
> maize monoculture. The ranking of different adjacent crops on the Nn/Np, Nd/Np, Sn/Sp and Sd/Sp values of maize fields was the same, however, their ranking with
respect to the stability index (ds/dm value) of maize fields
was: coffee < rice < plum < maize monoculture. Maize fields adjacent
to coffee plantations had the most stable arthropod communities and maize
monocultures the least stable. [Conclusion] Planting maize adjacent to different crops can increase the
stability of arthropod communities in maize fields; maize fields adjacent to
coffee plantations have the most stable arthropod community structure.