Insect migration behavior and its regulation
刘鹏程 刁跃珲 郭嘉雯 高博雅 胡 高
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作者单位:南京农业大学植物保护学院昆虫系,南京 210095;浙江省农业科学院植物保护与微生物研究所,杭州 310021
英文关键词:partial migration; oogenesis-flight syndrome; migratory potential; epigenomic regulation; migration and reproduction
Migration is a
behavioral strategy that allows insects to respond to seasonal changes in
resources and the environment. Insects not only escape adverse environmental
conditions through migration, but their exceedingly high fecundity allows them
to rapidly increase their population size on arrival in favorable new habitats,
causing outbreaks that have a severe effect on both natural and agricultural
ecosystems. Based on the concept of partial migration, this article firstly
describes the differences in morphology, behavior, and physiology between
migratory and resident insects, focusing on the relationship between migration
and concomitant reproduction, as well as external environmental factors that
induce migration. Finally, the authors review and summarize the progress in
research on the molecular mechanisms regulating insect migratory behavior. From
sensing adverse environmental signals to deciding to migrate, from take-off,
flying and landing, to deciding to continue or terminate migration, the whole
process largely depends on important internal factors, including endocrine and
epigenetic regulatory factors. The underlying molecular mechanisms, however,
require further investigation.