Progress in research on natural enemies of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis and the application of these in the biological control of this pest
苏冉冉 易小龙 刘吉敏 郑霞林 陆 温 王小云
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作者单位:广西农业环境与农产品安全重点实验室,广西大学农学院,南宁 530004; 广西农业科学院植物保护研究所,广西作物病虫害生物学重点实验室,南宁 530007
英文关键词:Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel; biological control; natural enemy insect; potential of pest control
橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)是一种广泛分布于亚洲及夏威夷群岛等地的入侵有害生物,对我国的水果和蔬菜造成了严重的影响。橘小实蝇的防治大多使用化学杀虫剂,然而化学杀虫剂的大量使用会导致橘小实蝇产生不同程度的抗性,同时也会杀伤其天敌,防治变得越来越困难;相较于化学防治,在不同地区筛选有效的天敌对橘小实蝇进行生物防治是有效控制的绿色防控措施,契合我国农业农村部大力推进特色优势农作物病虫害绿色防控的工作重点。目前,国内外报道的橘小实蝇寄生性天敌有70余种;捕食性天敌主要为蚂蚁、蠼螋、隐翅虫、螨、蜘蛛、步行虫等;寄生性微生物主要为真菌、细菌、病原线虫、共生菌等;食虫动物主要为鸡、鸟等。橘小实蝇生物防治中,多天敌资源的联合利用可有效增强防治效果。因此,本文系统全面地整理了国内外可查的橘小实蝇天敌种类,以及部分优势单种或多种组合的控害潜能,以期为橘小实蝇天敌种类的筛选和高效的生物防治应用提供参考。
Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel is an invasive pest
widely distributed in Asia and the Hawaiian Islands that causes serious damage
to fruit and vegetable crops. The prevention
and control of B. dorsalis mainly
relies on chemical insecticides but extensive use of these has not only caused
different degrees of resistance to emerge in B. dorsalis populations,
but also kills the natural enemies of this pest, making control progressively more difficult.
Biological control is an important alternative to pesticides for the control of B. dorsalis. Currently more than 70
species of parasitic natural enemies of B.
dorsalis have been identified in China and abroad. Predatory natural
enemies are mainly ants, earwigs, rove
beetles, mites, spiders and birds, whereas parasitic microorganisms are mainly
fungi, bacteria, nematodes and symbiotic bacteria. Deploying multiple
biological control agents is generally preferable to a single agent. This paper systematically and comprehensively
categorizes the available domestic and foreign natural enemies of B.
dorsalis, and assesses the potential of using individual species or multi-species
combinations for the biological control of this pest.