Expression of two cytochrome P450 genes in appendages of Apis mellifera ligustica
朱雅楠 张 猛 李秋方 梁立强 李正汉卿 苏松坤 聂红毅
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作者单位:福建农林大学动物科学学院(蜂学学院),福州 350000;江西省养蜂研究所,南昌 330052
英文关键词:Apis mellifera ligustica; cytochrome P450; tasks; foragers; nurses
【目的】 本研究分析意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica中细胞色素P450基因CYP6BD1和CYP49A1在不同日龄工蜂及相同日龄不同职能工蜂的附肢中的表达模式,旨在更好了解细胞色素P450基因在不同职能工蜂处理外源物质过程中的作用。【方法】 通过组建蜂群收取3日龄工蜂、10日龄哺育蜂、21日龄采集蜂和21日龄哺育蜂样本,利用荧光定量PCR技术分别检测细胞色素P450基因CYP6BD1和CYP49A1在附肢(触角、前足、中足、后足)中表达情况。【结果】 基因CYP6BD1在3日龄工蜂、10日龄哺育蜂、21日龄采集蜂各附肢中的表达量均依次显著增加,且该基因在21日采集蜂各附肢中的表达量显著高于21日哺育蜂;与CYP6BD1基因相比,基因CYP49A1在不同职能工蜂附肢中的表达量均较低,但在3日龄工蜂各附肢中表达相对较高。【结论】 基因CYP6BD1和CYP49A1分别在采集蜂和3日龄工蜂各附肢中高量表达,2个基因在降解蜂群外和蜂群内部外源性物质中发挥重要作用,为进一步研究膜翅目昆虫的职能分工提供新的视角。
[Objectives] To investigate the expression patterns of CYP6BD1 and CYP49A1 in workers (Apis
mellifera ligustica) of different ages,
and of the same age but with different tasks, in order to better understand the
role of the cytochrome P450 gene in
processing exogenous substances. [Methods] Experimental colonies were
constructed and quantitative real- time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR)
used to measure the expression of cytochrome P450 genes CYP6BD1and CYP49A1 was
measured in appendages (antennae, front legs, middle legs and hind legs) of
3-day-old workers, 10-day-old nurses, 21-day-old foragers and 21-day-old
nurses. [Results] CYP6BD1 was expressed in all
appendages regardless of age or task. Moreover, the expression profile of CYP6BD1 in each appendage was
significantly higher in foragers than in nurses of the same age. Expression of CYP49A1 was generally lower than that of CYP6BD1, although it was relatively
high in 3-day-old workers. [Conclusion] CYP6BD1 and CYP49A1 were most highly expressed in the appendages of foragers
and 3-day-old workers, respectively, suggesting that these genes may play an
important role in the degradation of exogenous substances. These results
provide new information on the role of these genes in hymenopteran insects.