Relative numbers of the fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis, and natural enemies of insect pests, trapped on different colored sticky boards
杨 琴 罗德诚 杨毅娟 李云国 张 锐 石安宪 肖 春
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作者单位:云南农业大学植物保护学院,昆明 650201;昭通市植保植检站,昭通 657000; 昭通市苹果产业发展中心,昭通 657000;昆明猎虫农业科技有限公司,昆明 650500
英文关键词:Bactrocera dorsali; color; sticky board; natural enemy; pest
【目的】 为评价不同颜色实蝇粘虫板对桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel及天敌等昆虫的诱捕效果。【方法】 在梨园内,距地面1.5 m处悬挂黄色、蓝色、绿色、红色、紫色5种颜色的普通粘虫板和实蝇粘虫板(含甲基丁香酚),观察并比较了5种颜色普通粘虫板和实蝇粘虫板对桔小实蝇的诱集效应;将实蝇粘虫板上昆虫洗脱下来鉴定、分类和数量统计,进行不同颜色实蝇粘虫板对天敌等昆虫的诱集效果比较。【结果】 实蝇粘虫板对桔小实蝇诱捕虫数显著高于普通粘虫板,黄色和绿色实蝇粘虫板每板每周分别诱捕(97.83±9.59)头和(50.50±4.32)头桔小实蝇,且诱虫量显著高于蓝色、红色和紫色粘虫板的。黄色实蝇粘虫板诱集到7种天敌和9种害虫,绿色实蝇粘虫板诱集到5种天敌和9种害虫;5种颜色实蝇粘虫板的益害比均较小。诱捕到的昆虫中以双翅目、鞘翅目、半翅目的昆虫为主,天敌主要有脉翅目、鞘翅目和膜翅目等昆虫,而且均不是桔小实蝇的寄生性天敌,仅有蠼螋这种极少量的捕食性天敌。【结论】 黄色和绿色实蝇粘虫板诱杀桔小实蝇效果较好,对天敌的杀伤力相对较小,可在桔小实蝇发生期使用。
[Objectives] To determine
the effect of board color on the relative numbers of the fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis, and the natural
enemies of insect pests, trapped on sticky boards. [Methods] Methyl eugenol in
five colors, yellow, blue, green, red and purple, was added to ordinary sticky
boards and fruit fly sticky boards, which were then hung 1.5 m from the ground
in a pear orchard. Trapped insects were eluted for identification,
classification and quantitative statistics, and the relative numbers of B. dorsalis and natural enemies captured
on different colored sticky boards was compared. [Results] Significantly more B. dorsalis were caught by fruit fly
sticky boards than that by ordinary sticky boards. Yellow and green fruit fly
sticky boards trapped (97.83 ± 9.59) and (50.50 ± 4.32) B. dorsalis per week, respectively, significantly more than blue,
red and purple sticky boards. Yellow fruit fly sticky boards trapped 7 natural
enemies and 9 pests, whereas green fruit fly sticky boards trapped 5 natural
enemies and 9 pests. The benefit-to-harm ratio of all 5 colors of fruit fly
sticky boards was therefore relatively small. Diptera, Coleoptera and Hemiptera
were the main insect orders trapped. The main natural enemies trapped included
members of the Neuroptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera, none of which are
parasites of B. dorsalis. Earwigs
were the only predatory natural enemy trapped but only very few of these were
caught. [Conclusion] Yellow and green fruit fly sticky boards were
more effective than blue, red or purple, boards for trapping B. dorsalis, and caught fewer beneficial insects. These traps should be
deployed when B. dorsalis is present
in orchards.