Electron microscopic observation of infection of Adelphocoris suturalis by Beauveria bassiana
张 啸 刘 佳 杨亦桦 武淑文
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作者单位:南京农业大学植物保护学院,南京 210095;南京农业大学植物保护学院,南京 210095;南京农业大学植物保护学院,南京 210095;南京农业大学植物保护学院,南京 210095
英文关键词:Beauveria bassiana; Adelphocoris suturalis; scanning electron microscopy; transmission electron microscopy; infection process
【目的】 为揭示白僵菌Beauveria bassiana对中黑盲蝽Adelphocoris suturalis的致病机制,并探索盲蝽生物防治的有效方法。【方法】 本文利用扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜观察白僵菌菌株Bb-VIII对中黑盲蝽成虫的侵染过程。【结果】 接种白僵菌后,其分生孢子在中黑盲蝽的体壁褶皱、凹陷处或虫体连接部位附着;接种16
h后中黑盲蝽死亡,虫体内的菌丝体伸到体外并萌发成气生菌丝和分生孢子,继而布满虫体。【结论】 白僵菌的附着受中黑盲蝽体表物理结构的影响,其分生孢子在接种48
[Objectives] To reveal the pathogenic mechanism of infection of Beauveria bassiana and investigate the effectiveness of B. bassiana as a biological control for mirid bugs. [Methods] The process of
infection of Adelphocoris suturalis by the Bb-VIII strain of B.
bassiana was observed with both scanning and transmission electron
microscopy. [Results] At the beginning of inoculation, B.
bassiana adhered to epidermal folds, depressions and body joints of A.
suturalis. After 16 h germinated conidia formed germ tubes that invaded the
cuticle of A. suturalis with the aid of extracellular hydrolyzing enzymes and
mechanical stress. After 36-72 h hyphal bodies had invaded muscle tissue, the
fat body, intestinal villi, proliferating in
the body cavity by both septation and budding. Finally, after 48 h hyphae
emerged from the cuticle and developed into aerial hyphae
and conidia. The cuticle of dead A. suturalis was completely covered by
hyphae. [Conclusion] Attachment of B. bassiana conidia
is affected by structural features of the body wall of A. suturalis. The
infection process was completed within 48 h of inoculation, which shows that B.
bassiana is highly pathogenic to A. suturalis. The mechanism by
which hyphae invade the host cuticle involves not only mechanical pressure but
also extracellular hydrolase.