An effective barrier net for the prevention and control of Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire
蒋 琦 王长民 刘宇杰 骆有庆 任利利
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作者单位:北京林业大学林木有害生物防治北京市重点实验室,北京 100083;北京市延庆区林业保护站,北京 102100
英文关键词:Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire; Fraxinus pennsylvanica; barrier net; control effect; control cost
【目的】 白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire是一种危害极隐蔽、具有毁灭性的林木蛀干害虫。北京市延庆区栽植的洋白蜡Fraxinus pennsylvanica,受白蜡窄吉丁危害严重,当地林业保护站积极采取多种防控措施,其中阻隔网作为一种新的防控方法,可有效控制白蜡窄吉丁的危害。本研究调查不同防控管理措施林地内洋白蜡的受害情况,并估算不同管理措施所需的费用,以期评价阻隔网技术的防治效果。【方法】 2017-2019年,在北京市延庆区选择使用阻隔网防治白蜡窄吉丁(样地1)、伐除受害严重的白蜡树后更植其它树种(样地2)和仅伐除受害严重的白蜡树(样地3)的样地3块,调查各样地内洋白蜡受害情况,调查指标包括:树冠枝枯梢率、树冠活力等级、羽化孔数量、萌蘖枝条数量和啄木鸟刻痕数。通过Tukey检验对各样地内地面调查指标进行差异性比较,并统计不同防控措施下每年单位面积样地的防治成本。【结果】 样地1内白蜡保存率(100%)高于样地2(80%)和样地3(34%),且样地1的白蜡受害情况在树冠枝枯梢率、树冠活力等级、羽化孔数量、萌蘖枝条数量和啄木鸟刻痕数指标上显著低于样地2和样地3。样地1每年单位面积的防治成本为2 150元/hm2,低于样地2(5 625元/hm2)和样地3(5 720元/hm2)。【结论】 使用阻隔网防治白蜡窄吉丁成效显著,且防治成本低,建议今后可与其它无公害防治技术相结合进行害虫综合治理。
[Objectives] Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire is a
cryptic and highly destructive wood-boring pest that causes significant damage
to Ash trees (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) in the Yanqing district of
Beijing. The local forestry protection station has taken various measures to
prevent and control this damage, including the use of barrier nets, a new
method for protecting trees from A. planipennis. In order to evaluate the
effectiveness of barrier nets we compared the damage to Ash trees under
different A. planipennis management regimes and compared the costs of
these measures. [Methods] Damage
to Ash trees was monitored in three sample plots in Yanqing district employing
different A. planipennis control measures from 2017 to 2019. Barrier
nets were used to control A. planipennis in Plot 1. Management in Plot 2
consisted of planting other tree species after cutting down seriously damaged
ash trees whereas that in Plot 3 was confined to cutting down seriously damaged
Ash trees. Damage indices included dieback rate, crown vigor rating, the number
of bore holes, the quantity of epicormic branching and the amount of woodpecker
activity. The statistical significance of differences in damage indices among
the different plots was assessed using Tukey’s test and the average annual
control cost per hectare of plot was estimated for each method. [Results] The survival rate of Ash trees in Plot 1
(100%) was higher than that in Plot 2 (80%) and Plot 3 (34%). Moreover, all
damage indices were significantly lower in Plot 1 than in Plot 2 and Plot 3.
The annual control cost per unit area for Plot 1 was 2 150 yuan/hm2,
less than half the cost for Plot 2 (5 625 yuan/hm2) and Plot 3 (5 720
yuan/hm2). [Conclusion] Using barrier nets to protect Ash trees from A.
planipennis is both more effective and significantly cheaper than other
methods. We suggest that this kind of integrated pest management be combined
with other pollution-free control technologies in the future.