刊号:ISSN 2095-1353
        CN 11-6020/Q
帐号:0200 0045 0908 8125 063


Spatial relationships between Frankliniella intonsa and its natural enemies in four tea gardens
吴筱萌;徐 悦;张 淋;孙佳照;周夏芝;邹运鼎;毕守东
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作者单位:安徽农业大学理学院,合肥 230036;安徽农业大学林学与园林学院,合肥 230036
英文关键词:Frankliniella intonsa; natural enemies; spatial relationship; grey correlation
【目的】 为合理利用和保护天敌,确定与花蓟马Frankliniella intonsa空间关系密切的主要天敌种类。【方法】 应用灰色关联度法、地学统计学方法和密切指数法分析了4种茶园花蓟马与其捕食性天敌在空间上的关系,综合评判出与花蓟马空间关系密切的前3位天敌。【结果】 在黄山大叶种、农抗早和平阳特早茶园中,与花蓟马空间关系密切的前3种天敌是鳞纹肖蛸Tetragnatha squamata(密切指数分别为1.000 0、1.000 0和0.995 5)、粽管巢蛛Clubiona japonicola(密切指数分别为0.987 6、0.968 2和0.992 8)和斜纹猫蛛Oxyopes sertatus(密切指数分别为0.976 8、0.976 3和1.000 0),但3种天敌在上述3种茶园中的位次不相同。在白毫早茶园中,与花蓟马空间关系密切的天敌依次是斜纹猫蛛(密切指数为1.000 0)、鳞纹肖蛸(密切指数为0.989 8)和锥腹肖蛸Tetragnatha maxillosa(密切指数为0.986 3)。比较花蓟马与茶园中天敌的个体数量之比,结果表明在白毫早茶园中,花蓟马与第1位天敌斜纹猫蛛个体数量的比值是19.67;与第6位天敌粽管巢蛛个体数量的比值是88.50;在黄山大叶种茶园中,花蓟马与第1位天敌鳞纹肖蛸个体数量的比值是37.29;第6位天敌锥腹肖蛸个体数量的比值是83.90;在农抗早茶园与花蓟马空间关系密切的第1位天敌是鳞纹肖蛸,比值是8.84;第6位天敌是草间小黑蛛Erigonidium graminicolum,比值是22.11;在平阳特早茶园中,花蓟马与第1位天敌斜纹猫蛛个体数量的比值是8.24;与第6位天敌草间小黑蛛Oxyopes sertatus的个体数比值是34.68。与花蓟马空间关系密切的第1位天敌的比值明显小于第6位天敌的比值。【结论】 4种茶园花蓟马数量丰富,引起与花蓟马空间关系密切程度的因子与花蓟马的数量有关,本文的研究结果为合理保护和利用的天敌提供重要的科学依据。
[Objectives]  To make rational use of, and protect, the natural enemies of Frankliniella intonsa and clarify the natural enemies that exist in close proximity to this pest. [Methods]  Using grey correlation, geostatistics and a closeness index, the spatial relationships between F. intonsa and its predatory natural enemies were systematically analyzed in four tea gardens. The three natural enemies with the closest spatial relationship to F. intonsa were comprehensively evaluated. [Results]  According to the closeness index, in a ‘Huangshan large leaf’ tea garden, the three natural enemies with the closest spatial relationship to F. intonsa were Tetragnatha squamata (1.000 0), Clubiona japonicola (0.987 6) and Oxyopes sertatus (0.976 8). In a ‘Agricultural anti-zao’ tea garden, the first three natural enemies with the closest spatial relationship to F. intonsa were T. squamata (1.000 0), O. sertatus (0.976 3) and C. japonicola (0.968 2). In a ‘Pingyangtezao’ tea garden, the first three natural enemies with the closest spatial relationship to F. intonsa were O. sertatus (1.000 0), T. squamata (0.995 5) and C. japonicola (0.992 8). In a ‘Baihaozao’ tea garden, the three natural enemies with the closest spatial relationship to F. intonsa were O. sertatus (1.000 0), T. squamata (0.989 8) and T. maxillosa (0.986 3). The same three natural enemies had the closest spatial relationship to F. intonsa in all four tea gardens, however, their ranking in terms of spatial relationship differed from garden to garden. In terms of the ratio of numbers of individual F. intonsa to specific natural enemies, the species with the closest spatial relationship to F. intonsa in the ‘Huangshan large leaf’ tea garden was T. squamata, and the sixth was T. maxillosa, with ratios of 37.29 and 83.90, respectively. The natural enemy with the closest spatial relationship to F. intonsa  in the ‘Agricultural anti-zao’ tea garden was T. squamata, and the sixth was Erigonidium graminicolum, with ratios of 8.84 and 22.11, respectively. The natural enemy with the closest spatial relationship to F. intonsa in the ‘Pingyangtezao’ tea garden was O. sertatus, and the sixth was E. graminicolum with ratios of 8.24 and 34.68, respectively. The ratio of the first natural enemy is an order of magnitude less than that of the sixth. The first natural enemy with the closest spatial relationship to F. intonsa in the ‘Baihaozao’ tea garden was O. sertatus, and the sixth was C. japonicola, with ratios of 19.67 and 88.50, respectively. [Conclusion]  The factors responsible for a close spatial relationship between F. intonsa and its natural enemies appear to be those that promote an abundance of F. intonsa. These results provide an important scientific basis for the rational protection and utilization of natural enemies of F. intonsa.

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