Genetic diversity of different geographical populations of rice stem borers, Sesamia inferens, in the Sichuan-Chongqing rice region
于文娟;田 幸;徐 志;韩 喜;姬红丽;彭云良
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作者单位:四川省农业科学院植物保护研究所,农业部西南作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室,成都 610066; 中国水稻研究所,水稻生物学国家重点实验室,杭州 311401
英文关键词:rice stem borer; Sesamia inferens; genetic diversity; cytochrome C oxidase subunit Ⅱ; cytochrome C oxidase subunitⅠ; geographical population
【目的】 通过对川渝稻区水稻孕穗灌浆期螟虫种类组成情况及大螟Sesamia inferens不同地理种群的遗传结构的分析,了解各地区水稻孕穗灌浆期螟虫发生情况及大螟种群间的亲缘关系,为水稻螟虫的区域治理对策提供新的依据。【方法】 对川渝地区13个市县的水稻螟虫发生情况进行调查及采样,利用MEGA等软件对采集到的大螟样本的线粒体COⅠ基因和COⅡ基因序列进行分析,并构建分子系统发育树,以获取样本群体遗传多样性信息。【结果】 川渝稻区水稻孕穗灌浆期螟虫主要由二化螟Chilo suppressalis、三化螟Tryporyza incertulas和大螟组成,二化螟为优势种群,其次为大螟;而不同地区间螟虫种类和优势度存在差异,其中川西稻区只有二化螟,重庆地区有二化螟和大螟。大螟不同地理种群的遗传多样性分析结果表明,大螟幼虫线粒体COⅠ基因序列在627 bp区段中共有386个多态性位点,包含16个单倍型;川东地区大螟种群的单倍型多样度为0.910 57;系统发育树显示,川东地区(除营山)大螟地理种群聚合为一大分支,其他大螟地理种群聚合为一个大分支。而对同批大螟线粒体COⅡ基因序列分析结果表明,在363 bp的区段中存在228个位点多态性,有10个单倍型;川东地区大化螟种群的单倍型多样度为0.715 79;在系统发育树中,重庆地区种群、杭州地理种群和梓潼种群聚合为一支,其余种群聚合为一支。【结论】 川渝稻区螟虫主要由二化螟、三化螟和大螟组成,二化螟为优势种群,其次为大螟。川东地区大螟线粒体COⅠ和COⅡ基因多态性比其他地区丰富。川渝稻区大螟不同地理种群间的遗传分化距离不明显,地理种群之间的遗传分化与分布之间的相关性不大。
[Objectives] To investigate the relative abundance of
different species of rice stem borers and the genetic diversity of different
geographical populations of the pink stem borer, Sesamia inferens (Walker) in rice growing regions of Sichuan-Chongqing,
and provide suggestions for the regional management of borer populations. [Methods] We conducted a field survey during the rice
grain-filling stage to determine the relative abundance of different species of
rice stem borers in 13 cities in the Sichuan-Chongqing rice growing region and
collected S. inferens specimens from
13 geographical populations for genetic analysis. We then sequenced the
cytochrome oxidase subunitⅠ(COⅠ) and cytochrome oxidase subunitⅡ(COⅡ) of mitochondrial
DNA (mtDNA) of S. inferens specimens
from different populations and analyzed their genetic diversity sequence
varication with MEGA and DNA Sequence Polymorphism. [Results] The species of rice
stem borer identified in our survey were Chilo
suppressalis, Tryporyza incertulas and S. inferens, and the dominant species were C. suppressalis and S.
inferens. A 627 bp segment of COⅠ gene from 60 mature S. inferens larvae was sequenced and analyzed, resulting in the identification of 386
variable sites and 16 haplotypes. Haplotype diversity among different
populations in eastern Sichuan was 0.910 57. A phylogenetic tree indicates
that, with the exception of the YS population, all other populations from
eastern Sichuan grouped into one great clade and all other geographic
populations grouped into another great clade. Based on the same 60 DNA samples,
the length of the COⅡ gene was 363 bp, and
228 variable sites and 10 haplotypes were identified. Haplotype diversity among
different eastern Sichuan populations was 0.715 79. A phylogenetic tree showed
that the Chongqing city population, Hangzhou population and ZY population grouped
into one clade, whereas all other geographic populations grouped into another
clade. [Conclusion] The dominant
species of rice stem borer in the Sichuan-Chongqing rice growing region are C. suppressalis and S. inferens. Haplotype diversity based on both COⅠ and COⅡ sequences indicates
that there is more haplotype diversity in eastern Sichuan than in other
geographical areas. We found little correlation between genetic diversity and
geographical populations.