Effects of chlorantraniliprole on rice planthoppers and their parasitic natural enemies
沈栎阳;王 晖;韩可洪;蒲 雷;谢美琦;华红霞;蔡万伦
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作者单位:华中农业大学植物科学技术学院,武汉 430070;华中农业大学植物科学技术学院,武汉 430070
英文关键词:chlorantraniliprole; rice planthoppers; parasitic natural enemies; paddy arthropods
【目的】 研究稻田施用氯虫苯甲酰胺后对非目标害虫——稻飞虱及其寄生类天敌的影响,为氯虫苯甲酰胺的合理使用提供参考。【方法】 2011和2012年在湖北省随州市和孝感市,选取施用和不施用氯虫苯甲酰胺的稻田各4块,采用吸虫法采集稻田节肢动物,并比较了施用和不施用氯虫苯甲酰胺药剂稻飞虱及其寄生类天敌优势度、种群密度以及相互关联程度的差异。【结果】 稻飞虱及其寄生类天敌的优势度和种群密度在对照田和施药田之间均没有显著差异。在孝感两年试验中,对照与施药田中的稻飞虱与寄生类天敌种群数量均呈显著正相关(2011:对照田,R2=0.249, P=0.007,施药田,R2=0.462,P<0.001;2012:对照田,R2=0.189, P=0.021,施药田,R2=0.212,P<0.014)。而随州在连续2年的观测期内,无论对照还是施药田中的稻飞虱与其主要寄生性天敌的种群数量均不存在显著的相关关系。【结论】 在稻田施用氯虫苯甲酰胺未影响寄生天敌发挥其生态功能,且不会对非靶标害虫稻飞虱及稻飞虱寄生类天敌种群产生不利影响。
[Objectives] To study the effects of chlorantraniliproleon on rice planthoppers and their parasitic natural
enemies in paddy fields, together with changes in arthropod community
parameters, in order to provide a scientific basis for the rational use of
chlorantraniliprole. [Methods] Four
rice fields were treated with chlorantraniliprole and four control rice fields
were selected in Suizhou city and Xiaogan city, Hubei province. Arthropods were
collected using the suction method and their dominance, population density, and
the correlation between rice planthopper abundance and that of their parasitic
natural enemies, was compared between treated and control rice fields. [Results] In most cases, there was no significant
difference in the dominance and population density of rice planthoppers and
that of their parasitic natural enemies between treated and control fields in
2011 and 2012. There was, however, a significant positive correlation between
the number of rice planthoppers and that of their parasitic natural enemies in
control and treatment fields in Xiaogan (2011: control field, R2=0.249, P=0.007; treated field, R2=0.462,P<0.001;2012: control field, R2=0.189, P=0.021; treated field, R2=0.212, P<0.014). However, no
significant correlation between rice planthopper abundance and that of their
parasitic natural enemies was found in the two treatment fields in Suizhou over
these two growing seasons. [Conclusion] The application of
chloramphetamine to rice fields did not affect the ecological function of
parasitic natural enemies of the rice planthopper, and did not adversely affect
non-target pests or parasitic natural enemies of the rice planthopper.