The suitability of eggs of Cadre cautella and Ephestia kuehniella as alternative prey for mass-reared Orius nagaii
张昌容,班菲雪,刘少兰,卯婷婷,章行远,曹 宇
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英文关键词:Orius nagaii; lifetable; biological control; Ephestia kuehniella eggs; Cadra cautella eggs; natural enemy
【目的】 明确干果斑螟Cadre cautella卵和地中海粉斑螟Ephestia kuehniella卵作为扩繁捕食性天敌昆虫明小花蝽Orius nagaii替代猎物的可行性,为明小花蝽大规模繁育奠定基础。【方法】 比较明小花蝽取食干果斑螟卵和地中海粉斑螟卵的生长发育和繁殖的异同,采用生命表来评价这2种替代猎物的适合性。【结果】 干果斑螟卵饲养的明小花蝽若虫发育历期(21.05 d)和雌虫寿命(32.00 d)均显著短于地中海粉斑螟卵饲养的明小花蝽(若虫发育历期为23.26 d,雌虫寿命为38.00 d)(P<0.05);而取食2种卵的明小花蝽羽化率、雄虫寿命、单雌产卵量、孵化率和性比均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。干果斑螟卵和地中海粉斑螟卵饲养的明小花蝽净增殖率分别为54.872 0和57.851 3,平均世代周期分别为38.873 6 d和38.175 8 d,内禀增长率分别为0.107 9和0.106 3,周限增长率分别为1.102 5和1.112 2,且均无显著性差异(P<0.05)。【结论】干果斑螟卵对明小花蝽的饲喂效果与地中海粉斑螟卵相似,均可作为明小花蝽繁育的替代猎物。
[Objectives] To determine the suitability of the eggs of Cadre cautella and Ephestia kuehniella as alternative prey for Orius nagaii, in order to facilitate the captive rearing of this species for biological control purposes. [Methods] O. nagaii were fed either C. cautella eggs or E. kuehniella eggs and biological indices of the treatment groups raised on these different diets were compared using life-tables. [Results] O. nagaii fed C. cautella eggs had significantly shorter nymph developmental duration and female longevity than those that were fed E. kuehniella eggs (nymph developmental duration 21.05 d vs 23.26 d and female longevity 32.00 d vs 38.00 d). There was, however, no significant difference in hatching rate, male longevity, fecundity, hatching rate or sex ratio between the two diet treatment groups. The net reproductive rates of O. nagaii that fed on C. cautella or E. kuehniella eggs were 54.872 0 and 57.851 3, respectively, mean generation times were 38.873 6 d and 38.175 8 d, respectively, intrinsic growth rates were 0.107 9 and 0.106 3, respectively, and finite rate of increase were 1.102 5 and 1.112 2, respectively. There were no significant differences in these parameters. [Conclusion] Both C. cautella and E. kuehniella eggs are suitable alternative foods for rearing O. nagaii in captivity.