The effect of temperature and humidity on the population dynamics of Grapholita molesta in pear orchards in Daxing district, Beijing
赵 鹏,杨雪琳,孙圣杰,高旭辉,张松斗,刘小侠
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作者单位:中国农业大学植物保护学院昆虫学系,北京 100193
英文关键词:Grapholita molesta; temperature; humidity; correlation analysis; regression analysis
【目的】 梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta Busck作为世界性害虫,对梨果生产造成严重损失。本文通过对梨小食心虫种群进行监测,以明确种群动态与温湿度的关系。【方法】 以北京大兴梨园为监测点,连续3年(2018-2021)利用性诱捕装置监测梨小食心虫成虫种群发生动态,并结合当地气象数据,分析研究了温湿度与种群动态的关系。【结果】 大兴地区梨小食心虫于3月中下旬始见越冬代成虫,一年发生4次高峰期,分别在 4 月中下旬、6月中旬、7 月中下旬及9月上中旬。通过气象数据分析发现平均气温和最高气温与虫口密度之间具有显著相关性,回归方程为Y=﹣5.62﹣0.16X1+0.72X2+0.52X3+0.18X4,其中最高气温(X3)为主要气象影响因素,而平均气温(X1)和最低气温(X2)次之,平均相对湿度(X4)影响最小。【结论】 通过对大兴梨园梨小食心虫发生动态监测和气象数据分析,初步掌握了梨小食心虫发生规律与温湿度的关系,为梨小食心虫预测预报模型的建立奠定基础。
[Objectives] To investigate the effects of temperature and humidity on the population dynamics of Grapholita molesta, a pest that causes significant losses to pear crops worldwide. [Methods] A monitoring site was set up in a pear orchard in Daxing, Beijing municipality where sex pheromone traps were used to monitor the population dynamics of adult G. molesta over three years (2018-2021). The data obtained were combined with local meteorological data collected over the same period to analyze the relationship between temperature, humidity and population dynamics. [Results] G. molesta began to appear in the pear orchard in mid to late March. Four population peaks occurred each year; in mid to late April, mid-June, mid to late July and early to mid-September. There was a significant relationship between the average and maximum temperature and population density, which can be described by the equation Y=﹣5.62﹣0.16X1+0.72X2+0.52X3+0.18X4, where X3 is the highest temperature, X1 is the average temperature, X2 is the lowest temperature and X4 is the average relative humidity. The relative importance of these factors was: X3> X1> X2> X4. [Conclusion] There is a significant relationship between the occurrence of G. molesta in pear orchards in Daxing, Beijing municipality, and local temperature and humidity data. These results lay a foundation for developing a model to predict the occurrence of G. molesta.