Progress in research on the interactions between pherotic mites, bark beetles and ophiostomatoid fungi
白泽珍,方加兴,张苏芳,刘 福,于春梅,邓 梅,韩富忠,李晶晶,孔祥波
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作者单位:国家林业和草原局森林保护学重点实验室,中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与自然保护研究所,北京 100091
英文关键词:pherotic mites; bark beetles; ophiostomatoid fungi; interactions
Ecological interactions among pherotic mites, bark beetles, and fungi are complex and diverse. Pherotic mites play important roles in many insect and fungal systems, but are poorly understood. This paper presents recent advances in research on the ecological interactions among mites, bark beetles, and their associated ophiostomatoid fungi, focusing on the feeding habits of pherotic mites and the factors that influence their attachment, separation, and dispersal behaviors. In addition, interactions among pherotic mites, bark beetles, and fungi are analyzed and described. Moreover, case studies of several bark beetle species of the genera Dendroctonus, Scolytus, and Ips and their fungi and mites are comprehensively discussed, with emphasis on the chemo-ecological interactions among these taxa.