Effects of artificial photoperiod created with different light sources, and temperature, on the diapause, development and pupal weight of Calospilos suspecta (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)
朱地福,程禹朦,龚慧蓉,钟春兰,苏清雨,徐小卉,黄 静,涂小云
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作者单位:江西师范大学生命科学学院, 南昌 330022
英文关键词:Calospilos suspecta; LED light; temperature; diapause
【目的】 探明暗期不同光源的光周期和温度对丝棉木金星尺蛾Calospilos suspecta滞育诱导、发育时间和蛹重的影响。【方法】 25 ℃和28 ℃室温时,分别测试暗期无光、暗期红光和暗期黄光各6个光周期下滞育率、滞育蛹对应的幼虫期、蛹重和蛹期。【结果】 (1)各试验条件下均诱导了滞育,28 ℃时滞育率多高于25 ℃,且28 ℃时暗期红光和黄光提高了滞育率;(2)25 ℃下所得滞育蛹对应的幼虫期多长于28 ℃;(3)28 ℃下所得滞育蛹多重于25 ℃;(4)各试验条件下所得滞育蛹的蛹期不一致,25和28 ℃下12L∶12D、11L∶13D共4个处理组蛹期在120 d以上;25 ℃下12L∶12D和11L∶13D处理组滞育蛹的蛹期分别是84.6 d和86.1 d;其余30个处理组滞育蛹的平均蛹期在37-67 d。【结论】 试验条件下丝棉木金星尺蛾滞育生物学特性较为复杂,受光照、温度及光温互作的影响;从滞育蛹的蛹期来看,2个温度下短光照(12L∶12D和11L∶13D)诱导了冬季滞育,25 ℃时12L∶12R和11L∶13R处理组滞育蛹蛹期介于冬季滞育和夏季滞育之间,其余30个处理组诱导了夏季滞育。
[Objectives] To understand the effects of creating artificial photoperiods with different light sources, and temperature, on diapause induction, development and pupal weight in Calospilos suspecta. [Methods] Newly hatched larvae were exposed to different photoperiods created using different light sources during the dark phase at either 25 and 28 ℃ in a laboratory. The diapause rate, duration of the larval period, pupal weight and duration, of diapausing pupae were measured and compared. [Results] (1) Some pupae in each treatment group entered diapause, but the diapause rate at 28 ℃ was higher than that at 25 ℃ in most treatment groups. The diapause rate increased when red or yellow LEDs were used as the light source. (2) The duration of the larval period at 25 ℃ was longer than that at 28 ℃ in most treatment groups. (3) Diapausing pupae were heavier at 28 ℃, than at 25 ℃. (4) The duration of diapause varied between treatment groups. It was longer than 120 d in the 12L∶12D and 11L∶13D groups at either 25 or 28 ℃. However, at 25 ℃, diapause duration was 84.6 and 86.1 d in the 12L∶12D and 11L∶13D groups, respectively. Diapause duration in the other 30 treatment groups was 37-67 d. [Conclusion] Diapause in C. suspecta was complex and influenced by light source, temperature, and the interaction between these factors. Winter diapause was induced by photoperiods of 12L∶12D and 11L∶13D at either 25 or 28 ℃. However, the duration of diapause induced by these photoperiods at 25 ℃ was intermediate between that of winter and summer diapause. Summer diapause was induced in the other 30 treatment groups.