Progress in research on the ecology of Megalurothrips usitatus and the development of environmentally-friendly control methods for this pest
史彩华 谢 文 吴明月 邹 祥 吴青君 张友军
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英文关键词:Megalurothrips usitatus; damage regularity; genetic differentiation; ecological regulation; green prevention and control
摘 要 豆大蓟马Megalurothrips usitatus是豆科作物的重要害虫,其寄主范围广泛,尤其喜欢危害豇豆。该虫不仅给作物造成巨大的经济损失,还能传播多种植物病毒,给作物生长和品质带来不可估量的影响。本文综述豆大蓟马的形态特征、地理遗传分化、生物生态学特性、发生危害规律、综合防控进展,同时展望其绿色防控技术的研发与应用,为深入挖掘其制约因子并研发新型绿色防控技术奠定理论基础。
Abstract Megalurothrips usitatus is an important pest of legumes. It has a broad host range, but is an especially important pest of cowpea crops. This species can not only cause huge economic losses, but can also spread a variety of plant viruses, thereby significantly impacting both crop growth and quality. This article reviews the morphological characteristics, geographic genetic differentiation, bio-ecological characteristics, occurrence, and progress in the prevention and control of M. usitatus. Obstacles hindering the development and application of green prevention and control technology for M. usitatus are also discussed.