Current state of research on the beet webworm, Loxostege sticticalis (Linnaeus) in China
张 蕾 江幸福
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英文关键词:Loxostege stictaialis; research status; research perspectives
摘 要 草地螟Loxostege sticticalis是我国“三北”地区重大农牧业害虫,兼具滞育与迁飞特性,2020年度由农业农村部列入《一类农作物病虫害名录》。自新中国成立以来已3次周期性发生为害,累计约28年。当前正进入第4个发生周期,对我国农牧业生产安全造成重大威胁。我国对草地螟的研究较为系统,分别在草地螟的发生危害规律、滞育越冬、迁飞行为、监测预警和综合防治等方面取得重要进展,为我国草地螟有效防控提供了重要理论与科技支撑。本研究针对草地螟研究现状及存在的问题,结合全球气候变化和我国农作物种植结构调整以及现代昆虫学技术的发展,提出了今后草地螟研究的主要方向。
Abstract The beet webworm, Loxostege sticticalis (Linnaeus), is one of the most destructive pests of crops and livestock forage in northern China and was added to the List of Class I crop diseases and pests by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas in 2020. This species undergoes diapause and migration. There have been three periodic outbreaks of L. sticticalis in 28 years since the founding of new China, and it is currently entering the fourth periodic outbreak, which can pose a great threat to agricultural security. Research on this pest has been systematic, and important progress has been made in understanding its occurrence and in regulating the damage it causes to crops. Research on the diapause, overwintering, migration, monitoring, early warning, and integrated pest management of L. sticticalis, provide important theoretical, scientific, and technological support, for the effective control of this pest in China. This review covers progress in research in the above areas, and ongoing problems in managing L. sticticalis, in the context of global climate change, the adjustment of crop planting structure in China and the development of modern entomological technology.