Effect of flight temperature on flight capacity, energy substances and fecundity of the beet webworm (Loxostege sticticalis L.)
唐继洪 罗礼智 江幸福 程云霞 张 蕾
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英文关键词:Loxostege sticticalis; Triglyceride; flight mill system; glycogen; utilization efficiency
摘 要 【目的】 为研究不同温度条件下草地螟Loxostege sticticalis L.成虫飞行能力的差异,飞行后能源物质含量以及生殖能力的变化。【方法】 本实验通过飞行磨系统测试3日龄草地螟成虫在不同温度下10 h内的飞行能力,飞行后通过甘油三酯试剂盒、糖元试剂盒以及蛋白质试剂盒来分别测试其体内甘油三酯、糖元及蛋白的含量,再将飞行后成虫配对测试其生殖能力的变化。【结果】 18-22 ℃条件下草地螟成虫的飞行能力最强,各个温度条件下飞行后甘油三酯及糖元的含量都较对照降低,18和22 ℃下降幅度最大,然而能源物质的利用效率较高,是其最适宜飞行的温度。各个温度条件下飞行后可溶性蛋白质的含量没有显著差异(P > 0.05);不同温度吊飞后生殖能力没有显著差异(P > 0.05)。【结论】 18 ℃和22 ℃是草地螟较适宜的飞行温度。甘油三酯及糖元是草地螟飞行的能源物质。草地螟10 h内的飞行不需要付出生殖的代价。
Abstract [Objectives] To study the flight capacity, energy content and fecundity of the beet webworm (Loxostege sticticalis L.), at different temperatures. [Methods] Three-day-old adults were tethered for 10h in a flight mill to test their flight capacity at different temperatures, after which their triglyceride, glycogen and protein content were measured using the corresponding assay kit, and their fecundity assessed. [Results] 18-22 ℃ was the optimal flight temperature. Triglyceride and glycogen content were significantly lower in flight-tested moths than in the control group and those flight-tested at 18-22 ℃ had the lowest triglyceride and glycogen content. There was no significant difference in protein content and fecundity between flight-tested moths and the control group. [Conclusion] 18 ℃ to 22 ℃ was the optimal flight temperature range for the beet webworm, and triglyceride and glycogen are the main energy source for flight. 10h of tethered flight did not affect the fecundity of 3-day-old moths.