Preferences of Loxostege sticticalis for oviposition on different pasture plants and the effects of different host plants on the population growth of this pest
屈亚飞 王倩倩 肖 春 李克斌 曹雅忠 尹 姣
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英文关键词:Loxostege sticticalis; pasture plant; Medicago sativa; oviposition selection; population growth index
摘 要 【目的】 明确不同产卵寄主植物对草地螟Loxostege sticticalis种群增长的影响。【方法】 选用7种不同的供试牧草研究草地螟的产卵选择偏好;并比较取食不同牧草植物对草地螟生长发育、繁殖力和种群增长的影响。【结果】 草地螟对豆科牧草的产卵偏好性显著高于禾本科牧草。草地螟在苜蓿、草木樨以及藜(对照)上的落卵量较多,落卵量百分比分别为17.45%、16.02%和24.87%。取食这3种植物的草地螟幼虫均可完成世代繁殖,种群增长指数分别为80.36、43.74和34.28,而取食其他牧草的幼虫不能完成世代繁殖。【结论】 草地螟成虫对不同寄主植物的产卵偏好性差异显著,幼虫取食落卵量较高的寄主植物更有利于草地螟种群的增长和繁衍。
Abstract [Objectives] To determine the oviposition preferences of Loxostege sticticalis with respect to seven different pasture plants, and the effect of different host plants on the population growth of this pest. [Methods] The relative preference of L. sticticalis for oviposition on seven different pasture plants was determined, and the growth, development, fecundity and population growth of L. sticticalis on these different plants was measured and compared. [Results] There was a significant preference for leguminous grasses over gramineous grasses. The proportion of eggs laid on Medicago sativa, Melilotus officinalis, and Chenopodium album (control) was higher that on other plants; 17.45%, 16.02%, and 24.87%, respectively. Larvae that fed on these three plants were able to reproduce for generations, with population growth indices of 80.36, 43.74, and 34.28, respectively, while those that fed on other pasture plants could not. [Conclusion] L. sticticalis prefers to oviposit on leguminous grasses, and these host plants are more conducive to the growth and reproduction of this pest.