Research on diapause termination in an overwintering population of Leguminivora glycinivorella (Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae)
任振涛 赵海盟 周宜君 薛 堃
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英文关键词:soybean pod borer; diapause; population parameter; parasitic enemies
摘 要 【目的】 为明确大豆食心虫Leguminivora glycinivorella越冬种群解除滞育的变化规律。【方法】 在实验室条件下,模拟大豆食心虫冬季滞育环境(温度:4 ℃,相对湿度:80%,L∶D=0∶24)和夏季解除滞育环境(温度:(26±1)℃,相对湿度:80%,L∶D=16∶8),观察并分析不同滞育持续时间大豆食心虫解除滞育后的存活、化蛹、羽化和被寄生等影响种群动态的参数。【结果】 不同滞育持续时间大豆食心虫的滞育强度无显著差异,解除滞育的平均时长为82 d;大豆食心虫滞育持续时间越长,活力越差,其中滞育168-224 d为大豆食心虫活力迅速下降的转折期,化蛹率由21.9%下降至1.9%,中位存活时间由77 d下降至35 d;不同滞育持续时间大豆食心虫的平均羽化时间为89 d,晚于其寄生天敌的60 d,二者解除滞育表现出一定的同步性。【结论】 大豆食心虫滞育幼虫在低温环境中会长期保持滞育,而在适宜环境中则维持一段滞育后能恢复发育并化蛹。这些特性将有利于预测大豆食心虫田间发生规律。
Abstract [Objectives] To investigate the population dynamics of the soybean pod borer (SPB) Leguminivora glycinivorella after diapause termination. [Methods] Diapause (4 ℃, RH80%, L∶D=0∶24) and diapause termination [(26±1) ℃, RH80%, L∶D=16∶8] conditions were simulated in a laboratory and the effects of different diapause durations on the survival, pupation, eclosion and parasitism rate, were investigated. [Results] Different diapause durations had no significant effect on the diapause intensity of SPBs; the average duration of diapause termination was 82 d. However, the longer the diapause duration, the less active SPBs became; 168 to 224 d of diapause was the duration required to produce a rapid decline in activity. Diapausing for this length of time caused the pupation rate to decrease from 21.9% to 1.9%, and the median survival time to decrease from 77 d to 35 d. The average emergence time of SPBs was 89 d compared to 60 d for their parasites, which indicates a degree of synchronization in diapause termination between parasites and host. [Conclusion] At lower temperatures, SPB larvae can remain in diapause for a long time but under more suitable conditions larvae will develop and pupate after a shorter diapause period. These findings are helpful for predicting the frequency of occurrence of the SPB.