Preferred Grapholita molesta (Busck) oviposition sites in peach orchards
李旭昭 葛亚菲 胡雪娇 杨小凡 魏国树
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英文关键词:Grapholita molesta; oviposition perferance; azimuth; position; spatial distribution
摘 要 【目的】 揭示梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta (Busck)在桃园中的产卵偏嗜性及主要影响因子。 【方法】 各世代梨小食心虫产卵盛期系统调查桃树树冠不同部位产卵量,分析产卵空间、方位偏嗜性。 【结果】 1、空间偏嗜性:梨小食心虫越冬代、第1-4代产卵的空间偏嗜性相似,均显著偏好树冠中上部,产卵量占总产卵量91.36%;显著偏好树冠外围,尤以第4代最明显,其卵量占该代总卵量的97.32%。2、方位偏嗜性:越冬代、第1-4代产卵方位偏嗜性基本相似,第1代与第4代均显著偏嗜树冠东部,其它各代无明显差异。3、精准位置偏嗜性:梨小食心虫92.52%的卵均偏嗜叶片,且均为单粒;不同世代显著偏嗜特定叶龄(叶位),但世代间有差异,越冬代偏嗜展开叶,产卵选择率为93.33%,第1-4代偏嗜第1-15片叶,产卵选择率为80.00%,其中第1-3代在第3-8片叶均高于50.00%;各世代均偏嗜叶片背面,每代产卵量占当代总产卵量的97.37%。【结论】 梨小食心虫产卵在桃园中具有显著的特定偏嗜性,其卵90%以上产在树冠中上部和外围叶片背面,且单叶1粒卵。本研究为揭示梨小食心虫产卵偏嗜性及其成因、机理,研发基于卵期的精准、高效、绿色监测和综合防控措施提供了科学依据和启示。
Abstract [Objectives] To identify the kinds of oviposition sites preferred by Grapholita molesta (Busck) in peach orchards. [Methods] The distribution of eggs in different parts of peach trees was systematically investigated. [Results] 1. Spatial preference: 91.36% of eggs were laid in the middle and upper parts of the tree crown. This preference was the same for overwintering generations and 1st to 4th generations. There was a significant preference for the periphery of the tree crown, especially in the fourth generation, which laid 97.32% of all eggs in the crown periphery. 2. Aspect: 1st to the 4th generations of the overwintering generation preferred the eastern side of the tree crown, but no significant preference was apparent among the other generations. 3. Accurate location bias: 92.52% of eggs were single eggs laid on leaves. The overwintering generation preferred open leaves and laid 93.33% of eggs on these. The 1st to 4th generations preferred the 1st to 15th leaves; 80.00% of eggs were laid on these. The 1st to 3rd generations laid > 50.00% of eggs on the 3rd to 8th leaves. All generations tended to lay on the abaxial leaf surface, on which 97.37% of all eggs were laid. [Conclusion] G. molesta has clear preferences for specific oviposition sites in peach trees. More than 90% of eggs are laid in the middle and upper parts of the tree crown and on dorsal surface of peripheral leaves. A single egg is laid on each leaf. These results provide useful information for developing accurate, efficient and environmentally-friendly, monitoring and control measures for G. molesta at the egg stage.