Effects of the Beauveria bassiana GZGY strain on the pathogenicity and reproduction of Polyphagotarsonemus latus
张燕南 毕司进 李 悦 吴圣勇 王恩东 徐学农
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英文关键词:Beauveria bassiana; broad mite; biological control; fecundity; life table parameters
摘 要 【目的】 为了探究球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana菌株GZGY对茶黄螨Polyphagotarsonemus latus致病力,并研究该菌株致死中浓度对茶黄螨生长发育及繁殖的影响。【方法】 采用叶片浸渍法,比较菌株GZGY、Q2505和ACCC30006对茶黄螨的侵染力差异,进一步采用生命表技术测定高毒力白僵菌菌株(GZGY)对茶黄螨的生长发育的影响。【结果】 3种供试球孢白僵菌菌株中GZGY对茶黄螨的较正死亡率显著高于ACCC30006和Q2505菌株(P<0.05),其致死中浓度值(LC50)为4.6×106个/mL。相对于对照组的茶黄螨,用LC50浓度的白僵菌GZGY孢子液处理茶黄螨后,其卵到成螨期延长13.7%,寿命缩短49.8%,内禀增长率降低33.3%。【结论】 球孢白僵菌GZGY对茶黄螨有较高的侵染力,可作为防治茶黄螨的潜在生物防治菌之一。
Abstract [Objectives] To explore the pathogenicity of the Beauveria bassiana GZGY strain on Polyphagotarsonemus latus, and investigate the effect of exposure to a median, lethal concentration of that strain on the growth and development of P. latus. [Methods] The leaf immersion method was used to compare the pathogenicity of the B. bassiana strains, GZGY, Q2505 and ACCC30006 on P. latus. The life table method was then used to investigate the effect of the most virulent strain on the growth and development of P. latus. [Results] The corrected mortality of GZGY strain against P. latus was significantly higher than that of the other two strains, and the median lethal concentration (LC50) was 4.6×106 per mL. P. latus infected with a median lethal concentration (LC50) of the GZGY strain had a 14.5% longer generation time, a 49.8% shorter life span, and a 33.3% lower intrinsic rate of increase (rm), than the control group. [Conclusion] The B. bassiana GZGY strain had the highest infectivity against P. latus and could be a potential biocontrol agent for this pest in China.