摘 要 【目的】 为探究不同杀虫剂对豆天蛾Clanis bilineata幼虫的田间防效。【方法】 选取敌敌畏(Dichlorvos)、甲维虫螨腈(Chlorfenapyr)、高效氯氟氰菊酯(Lambda-cyhalothrin)和吡虫啉(Imidacloprid)4种常用杀虫剂,按产品使用说明推荐浓度处理豆天蛾卵及1-5龄幼虫,观察、统计及计算经4种农药处理后卵的孵化率,以及在处理1、3和7 d后1-5龄豆天蛾幼虫的虫口减退率和校正防效。【结果】 豆天蛾卵经吡虫啉处理后受影响最小,卵孵化率为61.11%,其次为虫螨腈、敌敌畏和高效氯氟氰菊酯,经此3种农药处理后的豆天蛾卵孵化率分别为57.78%、15.56%和2.22%。经高效氯氟氰菊酯处理后的豆天蛾卵孵化率显著低于其它3个处理(P<0.05);施药处理7 d后,高效氯氟氰菊酯对1-5龄豆天蛾幼虫在4种农药中防效最高,而吡虫啉防效却最低。具体表现为,对1龄幼虫防效高效氯氟氰菊酯(100%)>敌敌畏(99.76%)>甲维虫螨腈(93.81%)>吡虫啉(65.48%);对2龄幼虫防效高效氯氟氰菊酯(99.05%)>敌敌畏(90.31%)>甲维虫螨腈(82.03%)>吡虫啉(50.59%);对3龄幼虫防效高效氯氟氰菊酯(98.00%)>敌敌畏(71.59%)>甲维虫螨腈(64.22%)>吡虫啉(35.11%);对4龄幼虫防效高效氯氟氰菊酯(95.71%)>敌敌畏(78.53%)>甲维虫螨腈(71.37%)>吡虫啉(38.24%);对5龄幼虫防效高效氯氟氰菊酯(94.21%)>甲维虫螨腈(55.69%)>敌敌畏(55.29%)>吡虫啉(41.12%)。【结论】 在4种农药中,高效氯氟氰菊酯对豆天蛾卵孵化率的影响及对幼虫防效均最强,而吡虫啉最弱。此结果对防治豆天蛾提供了重要的参考价值。
Abstract [Objectives] To investigate the effectiveness of four insecticides on Clanis bilineata larvae in the field. [Methods] Four commonly used insecticides; Dichlorvos, Chlorfenapyr, Lambda-cyhalothrin and Imidacloprid, were tested on C. bilineata eggs and 1st to 5th instar larvae, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The hatch rate of eggs, rate of population decline, and the corrected control effect on larvae after 1, 3 and 7 days, were measured and compared. [Results] The hatchability of eggs treated with Imidacloprid, Chlorfenapyr, Dichlorvos or Lambda-cyhalothrin, was 61.11%, 57.78%, 15.56% and 2.22%, respectively. Eggs treated with Lambda-cyhalothrin had a significantly lower hatch rate than those treated with the other pesticides (P< 0.05). After 7 days, the control effect on 1st instar larvae treated with Lambda-cyhalothrin, Dichlorvos, Chlorfenapyr or Imidacloprid was 100%, 99.76%, 93.81% and 65.48%, respectively, that on 2nd instar larvae was 99.05%, 90.31%, 82.03% and 50.59%, respectively, that on 3rd instar larvae was 98.00%, 71.59%, 64.22% and 35.11%, respectively, that on , 4th instar larvae was 95.71%, 78.53%, 71.37% and 38.24%, respectively, and that on 5th instar larvae was 94.21%, 55.69%, 55.29% and 41.12%, respectively. [Conclusion] Lambda-cyhalothrin was the most effective of the four insecticides tested on eggs and larvae and imidacloprid was the least effective. These results provide an important reference for C. bilineata control.