Resistance of Panonychus ulmi Koch to five commonly used acaricides in apple orchards in Shaanxi province
黄宝剑 张继龙 张晓赫 苏 莎 陈茂华
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英文关键词:Panonychus ulmi; acaricide; insecticide resistance monitoring; apple orchard
摘 要 【目的】 明确陕西省苹果园苹果全爪螨Panonychus ulmi Koch田间种群对5种杀螨剂的抗药性现状和变化趋势。【方法】 本文采用玻片浸渍法建立了苹果全爪螨室内相对敏感品系对5种杀螨剂的敏感基线,监测了2021-2022年陕西9个地区苹果园苹果全爪螨种群对5种杀螨剂的抗性水平。【结果】 结果表明,与相对敏感品系相比,供试苹果全爪螨种群对阿维菌素表现低水平抗性;扶风种群相对抗性倍数最高,为9.78倍,应当减少该药剂的使用。对哒螨灵产生低至中等水平抗性,相对抗性倍数在1.53-17.99之间;其中礼泉种群抗性最高,该地区应停止使用此药剂。对三唑锡和螺螨酯已产生低至中等水平抗性,相对抗性倍数分别为1.07-12.11倍和3.66-22.09倍;凤翔和扶风种群对联苯肼酯已产生中等水平抗性,应停止使用该药剂。【结论】 田间防治苹果全爪螨时,扶风地区应暂停或限制使用阿维菌素、螺螨酯和联苯肼酯,礼泉地区应停止使用哒螨灵和三唑锡,其他地区可交替轮换使用阿维菌素和联苯肼酯,以延缓抗性的进一步发展。
Abstract [Objectives] To investigate the resistance of Panonychus ulmi Koch to commonly used acaricides in apple orchards in Shaanxi province, China. [Methods] The susceptibility baseline of a laboratory susceptible strain to five commonly used acaricides was determined using the slide-dipping method. The relative resistance of P. ulmi from nine regions in Shaanxi province was monitored in 2021 and 2022. [Results] P. ulmi populations have developed a low level of resistance to abamectin relative to the susceptible strain. The Fufeng population had the highest resistance ratio (9.78 fold) to abamectin, so the use of this acaricide should be restricted in Fufeng. All populations had low to moderate resistance to pyridaben, with resistance ratios of 1.53-17.99. The Liquan population had the highest resistance to pyridaben, so pyridaben should be discontinued in Liquan. Resistance to azocyclotin and spirodiclofen were low to moderate, resistance ratios for each being 1.07-12.11 and 3.66-22.09, respectively. The use of azocyclotin and spirodiclofen should be discontinued in Liquan and Fufeng. Fengxiang and Fufeng populations have developed moderate resistance to bifenazate, consequently, this chemical should no longer be used in these regions. [Conclusion] The use of abamectin, spirodiclofen and bifenazate for the control of P. ulmi should be suspended, or restricted, in the Fufeng area, Pyridaben and azocyclotin should no longer be used in the Liquan area. To delay the development of further resistance, abamectin and bifenazide should be used in rotation in all regions except Fufeng and Liquan.