Genomic analysis reveals genetic diversity of Apis cerana cerana in Shaanxi
刘 强,姜 衍,郭 伟,孙金博,拜雏波,卜 莉,张小燕
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英文关键词: Apis cerana cerana; whole genome resequencing; Shaanxi; genetic diversity
摘 要 【目的】 基于全基因组重测序对陕西及其邻近地区不同地理区位下的中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana群体的遗传多样性进行研究,为陕西中华蜜蜂遗传资源的保护和利用提供参考。【方法】 对采自陕西西部的49个中华蜜蜂群体样本进行全基因组重测序,结合此前的研究与GenBank公开数据,运用PCA主成分分析、ADMIXTURE群体遗传结构分析、系统发育分析、遗传变异分析等群体遗传学方法进行分析。【结果】 群体遗传结构与PCA主成分分析表明,陕西北部高原群体与陕西中部平原、西部平原、西部山地和南部山地群体具有明显的遗传分化;且西部平原与山地群体之间也存在遗传差异。遗传变异分析表明,陕西北部高原群体与陕西其他群体之间的Fst平均值为0.050 9,高于陕西其他地理区位群体之间的Fst平均值0.029 6,并且与西部山地群体具有最小的Fst值0.039 7,同时,在邻近地区中,与太行吕梁群体具有最小的Fst值0.044 3;此外,陕西西部平原群体与神农架林区群体具有最小的Fst值0.022 1;与其他群体相比,陕西西部平原、山地两个群体内部具有相对较高的核酸多态性,分别为0.001 430 62和0.001 483 04,表明它们群体内部相对较高的遗传多样性。系统进化树表明,陕西西部山地群体、陕西北方高原群体与太行吕梁群体具有较近的遗传关系;陕西西部平原群体与神农架林区群体具有较近的遗传关系。【结论】 陕西中华蜜蜂不同地理区位之间具有丰富的遗传多样性,且陕西北部高原群体与陕西其他地理区位群体间具有明显的遗传分化;同时根据分析结果推测了陕西中华蜜蜂可能的历史传播路线,分为独立的南、北两条路线。本研究首次从全基因组重测序角度揭示了陕西中华蜜蜂遗传多样性,探明了不同地理区位下的遗传关系,为陕西中华蜜蜂种质资源的保护与利用提供了有力参考。
Abstract [Aim] To investigate the genetic diversity of Apis cerana cerana populations across different geographical locations in Shaanxi and its adjacent areas, and to provide a reference for the conservation and utilization of A. cerana cerana genetic resources in Shaanxi. [Methods] Whole-genome resequencing was carried out on 49 A. cerana cerana populations collected from western Shaanxi. The raw data was analyzed using PCA principal component analysis, ADMIXTURE population genetic structure analysis, phylogenetic analysis, and genetic variation analysis in combination with previous studies and GenBank public data. [Results] Population genetic structure and PCA principal component analysis showed distinct genetic differentiation between the northern plateau population of Shaanxi and the central plain, western plain, western mountainous, and southern mountainous populations of Shaanxi. Genetic differences were also observed between WShxiPn and WShxiMt. Genetic variation analysis showed that the average Fst value between the NShxiPl and other populations in Shaanxi was 0.050 9. This value was higher than the average Fst value of 0.029 61 between populations in other geographical locations within Shaanxi. WShxiMt had a low Fst value of 0.039 7. In the adjacent areas, TailvMt also had a low Fst value of 0.044 3 similarly, a low Fst value of 0.022 1 was observed for WshxiPn and ShenFr. Compared with other populations, WShxiPn and WShxiMt had relatively high nucleic acid polymorphisms of 0.001 430 62 and 0.001 483 04, respectively. This indicates a relatively high level of genetic diversity within their populations. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that WShxiMt, NShxiPl, and TailvMt shared a close genetic relationship, whereas WShxiPn was found to be closely related to ShenFr. [Conclusion] A high level of genetic diversity was exhibited among the different geographical regions of Chinese bees in Shaanxi. There was pronounced genetic differentiation between populations in the northern plateau of Shaanxi and populations in other geographical regions of Shaanxi. Our analysis revealed two possible independent historical transmission routes for A. cerana cerana in Shaanxi. One route appeared to be in north Shaanxi, and the second in south Shaanxi. This study is the first of its kind to demonstrate the genetic diversity of A. cerana from the perspective of whole-genome resequencing. Additionally, we revealed the genetic relationship between different geographical locations. This study contributes valuable genetic information for the protection and utilization of germplasm resources of A. cerana in Shaanxi.