The regulatory mechanisms of the wing-polymorphism in Gryllus firmus
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作者单位:中国农业大学农学院与生物技术学院昆虫学系 北京 100094
中文关键词:沙蟋; 翅多型性;调控机理
英文关键词:Gryllus firmus, wing polymorphism, regulatory mechanisms
中文摘要:沙蟋Gryllus firmus Zera & Denno成虫的后翅有长翅和短翅2种类型,是翅多型性机理研究的极佳模式昆虫。长翅成虫从第5日龄开始迁飞,而短翅成虫的主要特点是繁殖。除了翅的表型差异外,长翅成虫的飞行肌发达,呈褐色;卵巢幼小,直到飞行停止后(大约在10 d以后)才开始发育。而短翅成虫的飞行肌退化并呈乳白色;卵巢在第4日龄就发育成熟,表现为卵巢硕大。对翅多型性机理的深入研究,将有利于了解沙蟋迁飞和扩散的内在机理,为准确地预测预报该虫的发生提供重要的理论和实际依据。文章概述沙蟋翅多型性与外界环境的相互关系,以及体内生化代谢和内分泌激素等的变化对该虫迁飞和生殖的影响和作用,进而探讨翅多型的遗传机制和进化意义等问题。
英文摘要:The wing-polymorphic cricket Gryllus firmus Zera & Denno, which is a model animal mode used for studying the physiological and biochemical mechanisms of wing polymorphism, has two types of wings in Adult. One is fully developed wings called long-wing crickets (LW), and another is incomplete developed wings dominated to short-wing cricket (SW). The LW adults on day 5 begin migration or flying, while the main characteristic on SW adults is reproduction. The flight-capable morph or LW cricket usually has fully-developed, pink flight muscles and small ovary which is not development until flight stop (after day 10 of adulthood). The flightless morph or SW cricket has incomplete developed, white muscles, but fully developed ovary starting on day 4. The in-depth study at the mechanism of wing polymorphism could be conducive to understand the inherent mechanisms of migration and proliferation, it also provide important information to forecast its occurrence. The paper summarized the relationships between wing polymorphism and environment, as well as the effect of intermediary metabolism and endocrine regulation for the trade-off between flight capability and early reproduction. The genetic mechanism of wing polymorphism and the evolution significance were also discussed in this paper.