Regulatory mechanism and evolution of insect wing polymorphism
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作者单位:中南林业科技大学资源与环境学院 长沙 410004
中文关键词:翅多型; 环境因素, 内分泌控制; 适应意义; 进化
英文关键词:wing polymorphism, environmental factor, endocrine control, adaptive significance, evolution
英文摘要:Wing polymorphism is common in various groups of insects, and has been studied extensively in various aspects. In general, there are two morphologically distinct morphs with long or short wings. The long-winged morph is normally able to fly, but the short-winged cannot. In some species, such as aphids, the flightless morph lacks wings and is called the apterous morph. Besides flight capability, the two wing morphs often display various behavioral and physiological differences. In this review, effects of environmental factors on determination of wing form, endocrine control mechanism, genetic system and evolution of wing polymorphism were summarized.