The mechanisms of sympatric speciation in insects and the evaluation
邓 顺1**,张友军2***
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作者单位:中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所 浙江 富阳 314000; 2. 中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所 北京 100081
中文关键词:同域物种形成;歧化选择; 生殖隔离; 寄主专化; 检验机制
英文关键词:sympatric speciation, disruptive selection, reproductive isolation, host_specialization, verifiable criterion
Possible mechanisms of sympatric speciation in insects were discussed in view of their biology, ecology and genetics. Disruptive selection on sympatrically incipient species, which is associated with distinctive divergence on ecological and genetic traits, promoted complete or partial reproductive isolation between sympatrically related populations. Character displacement, assortative mating and sexual selection were involved in the course of sympatric speciation. Host_specific insects were good cases for interpreting sympatric differentiation and most of them were phytophagous. Verifiable criteria for insect sympatric speciation proposed by some evolutionists and entomologists mainly encompassed the test of assortative mating, quantification of gene flow, ascertaining the extent of genetic differentiation, estimation of linkage disequilibrium among loci and hybrids fitness, at the like It was possible to demonstrate sympatric speciation in some insects, but further research was needed to elucidate the mechanisms of reproductive isolation.