Effect of photoperiod on the development, survival, eclosion and reproduction of 4th instar nymph of three grasshopper species in Inner Mongolia
陈广平1, 2,郝树广1,庞保平2, 康 乐1**
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作者单位:1. 中国科学院动物研究所 农业虫害鼠害综合治理国家重点实验室 北京 100101;2. 内蒙古农业大学农学院 呼和浩特 010019
中文关键词:草原蝗虫; 光周期;发育速度;存活率; 羽化; 产卵
英文关键词:grasshopper, photoperiod, larval development, survival rates, eclosing rate, oviposition
中文摘要:研究不同光周期(L8∶D16、L12∶D12及L16∶D8)对毛足棒角蝗Dasyhippus barbipes(F.-W.),亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus decorus asiaticus B.-Bidenko,小翅雏蝗Chorthippus fallax(Zub.) 3种草原蝗虫高龄若虫的发育、存活、羽化、生殖的影响。结果表明:在白天温度(28±1)℃,黑夜温度(23±1)℃的恒定温度下,不同光周期对毛足棒角蝗和亚洲小车蝗高龄若虫的发育、羽化、产卵影响不大,但是对其存活率有极显著的影响:毛足棒角蝗和亚洲小车蝗高龄若虫到成虫的发育速度在中光照下(L12∶D12)最快。而在短光照(L8∶D16)下更有利于小翅雏蝗若虫发育,其次是中光照;毛足棒角蝗的羽化在中光照条件下最适宜,而长光照时数(L16∶D8)更有利于亚洲小车蝗和小翅雏蝗的羽化;光周期对亚洲小车蝗产卵影响最为明显,毛足棒角蝗和亚洲小车蝗在中光照和长光照时数条件下有利于它们产卵,而小翅雏蝗在短光照和中光照时数下有利于产卵。
英文摘要:The effect of three kinds of photoperiods (L8∶D16, L12∶D12, L16∶D8) on 4th instar nymph of three grasshopper species were investigated in Inner Mongolia grassland. The results showed that under the condition of (28±1)℃ during the day time and (23±1)℃ at night, photoperiods had little effect on the development, eclosion, and reproduction of Dasyhippus barbipes (F.-W.) and Oedaleus decorus asiaticus B.-Bidenko, but influenced the survival of these two species of grasshoppers significantly (P<0.01). D. barbipes and O. d. asiaticus had the fastest developmental rate at middle photoperiod (L12∶D12). Short photoperiod (L8∶D16) was beneficial to development of Chorthippus fallax (Zub.), followed by middle photoperiod. D. barbipes had the highest eclosing rate at middle photoperiod, but long photoperiods (L16∶D8) were beneficial to that of O. d. asiaticus and C. fallax. However, photoperiods had significant effect on oviposition ability of these three species. Middle and long photoperiod were beneficial to oviposition of D. barbipes and O. d. asiaticus, while short and middle photoperiod were beneficial to oviposition of C. falla. This phenomena was matched with the phenology of these three grasshopper species.