Application techniques of traps with sex pheromone of Spodoptera litura in the field
崔 巍1,4,郑永利2,姚士桐3,汪 霞4,庞保平1,娄永根4
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作者单位:1内蒙古农业大学农学院 呼和浩特 010019;2浙江省植物保护检疫局 杭州 310029;3浙江海宁市植保土肥技术服务站 海宁 314400;4浙江大学昆虫科学研究所 杭州 310029
中文关键词:斜纹夜蛾;性信息素诱捕器;高度;间距; 风向
英文关键词:Spodoptera litura, trap with sex pheromone, height, distance, wind direction
中文摘要:考查斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura(Fabricius)性信息素诱捕器放置高度、间隔距离以及气象因子对性信息素诱集效果的影响。结果表明,放置高度为1 m时,性信息素诱捕器易引起斜纹夜蛾的反应,明显优于0.5 m和1.5 m的诱集效果。诱捕器放置的间隔距离,以25 m为诱集效果最佳,与10,15,20及30 m的具有显著差异。夜间风向对诱捕器的诱蛾效果具有明显影响,在3个成一列放置的诱捕器中,诱集量最大的是放在上风口位置的诱捕器;同时,与夜间风向平行设置的诱捕器,其诱集量显著高于与夜间风向垂直设置诱捕器的诱集量。
英文摘要:The effects of the height of trap, the distance between traps, and the weather factors were determined on the trapping efficiency of the traps to Spodoptera litura (Fabricius). The results showed obviously higher trapping efficiency at 1 m from the ground than those at 0.5 or 1.5 m. The best distance between traps was 25 m, at which the traps showed higher efficiency than those between 10, 15 or 20 m. There was a significant influence of the wind direction at night on the trapping efficiency. The windward trap attracted more moths than the others. Meanwhile, the traps paralleling with the direction of the wind at night trapped more adults of S. litura than the traps being vertical to the wind direction.