Emergency cells and breeding broods of the introduced Apis species in queenless colonies of Apis mellifera ligustica and Apis cerana cerana.
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作者单位:江西农业大学蜜蜂研究所 南昌 330045
中文关键词:中华蜜蜂; 意大利蜜蜂; 无王群;改造王台
英文关键词:Apis mellifera ligustica, Apis cerana cerana, queenless colony, emergency queen cell
英文摘要:The behaviors of emergency cells and breeding broods of the introduced Apis species in queenless colonies of Apis mellifera ligustica (AML) and Apis cerana cerana (ACC) were investigated. The results showed that almost all of the eggs laid by the queen of AML were removed, and only a few larvae of AML were accepted as the quantity of AML workers was increasing. When the brood comb of AML was introduced to the queenless colonies of ACC, the new queen of ACC was finally reared without emergency cell of AML in queenless colonies of ACC. The eggs and larvae of ACC would be accepted as the quantity of ACC workers was increasing while the emergency cells of both AML and ACC were made and the brood comb of ACC was introduced to the queenless colonies of AML, but only the new queen of AML was reared in queenless colonies of AML.