Geographic distribution and bionomics of six bumblebee species in North China
彭文君,黄家兴,吴 杰,安建东**
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作者单位:中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所 北京 100093
中文关键词:华北地区; 熊蜂; 地理分布;生态习性
英文关键词:North China, bumblebees, geographic distribution, bionomics
中文摘要:2005~2007年连续3年对华北地区小峰熊蜂Bombus hypocrita、密林熊蜂B.patagiatus、红光熊蜂B.ignitus、明亮熊蜂B.lucorum、火红熊蜂B.pyrosoma和重黄熊蜂B.picipes等6种熊蜂的地理分布和生态习性进行研究。结果表明,这6种熊蜂在华北地区的地理分布差异很大,火红熊蜂分布最广,重黄熊蜂分布最窄。6种熊蜂在垂直分布上也存在差异,红光熊蜂分布于较低海拔高度地区,明亮熊蜂分布于较高海拔高度地区,但在海拔1 300~1 800 m范围内6种熊蜂都有分布。6种熊蜂中,火红熊蜂的年活动周期较长,为180天左右。小峰熊蜂、明亮熊蜂、密林熊蜂和重黄熊蜂的年活动周期居中。红光熊蜂的年活动周期最短,为140天左右。6种熊蜂采访植物涉及到17科63种,采访植物存在一定的偏好性,主要采访豆科、菊科、蔷薇科和唇形科等植物;而且,不同种熊蜂采集植物的种类也存在较大差异。
英文摘要:Six species of bumblebees, Bombus hypocrite, B. patagiatus, B. ignites, B. lucorum, B. pyrosoma and B. picipes, were investigated in North China from the year 2005 to 2007. The results showed that their geographic distribution patterns were quite different, and B. pyrosoma has the widest distribution area among of them, while B. picipes is the narrowest. Their vertical distribution patterns were different too. B. ignitus distributed in the lower altitude region, while B. lucorum distributed in the higher altitude zone; but they all occurred from 1 300 m to 1 800 m. The annual activity period of B. pyrosoma is the longest among the 6 species for 180 d, while that of B. ignitus is the shortest for 140 d. The foraging plants of these bumblebees involved 63 species belonging to 17 families. Bumblebees have their own favorite plants of 4 families (Leguminosae, Compositae, Rosaceae and Labiatae).