Microstructure of drone brain of Apis cerana cerana
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作者单位:1陕西教育学院 生命科学系 西安710061; 2陕西师范大学 生命科学学院 西安 710062
中文关键词:中华蜜蜂; 雄蜂; 脑部结构;蕈形体
英文关键词:Apis cerana cerana, drone, brain structure, mushroom body
中文摘要:通过组织化学方法,对中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana Fabricius雄蜂的脑部的形态结构进行观察。结果表明,雄蜂的脑由前脑、中脑和后脑三部分构成,前脑视叶两侧具有大而显著的复眼,而其他结构相对较小。蕈形体在脑中所占的比例小于工蜂和蜂王;中心体的比例小于工蜂,与蜂王接近;中脑的嗅叶相对较为发达,这使它们在同蜂王的交配过程中,能够更灵敏地接收来自于蜂王性外激素的刺激。中华蜜蜂雄蜂的嗅叶具有性二态现象,但是与意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera L.雄蜂发达的巨大纤维球复合体相比,中华蜜蜂并不明显;除此之外,它们在脑部结构上没有显著差异。
英文摘要:The drone brain structure of Apis cerana cerana was observed by histological technique. The results indicated that the brain structure is composed of protocerebrum, deutocerebrum and tritocerebrum. The mushroom bodies of drone are smaller thanthose of worker bee and queen bee, center body of drone is smaller than that of worker bee, similar to the queen bee. There is big olfactory lobe in deutocerebrum, which indicated that drone has well developed olfactory system, then this makes them in the mating process with the queen bee can be more sensitive receiver from the queen bee of the sex pheromone, but macroglomerular complex is underdeveloped.