Observation on predation behavior and functional morphology of larval head in two species of firefly Diaphanes sp. and Pyrocoelia pectoralis
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作者单位:1. 华中农业大学科技处电镜平台 武汉 430070; 2. 华中农业大学植物科学与技术学院 武汉 430070)
中文关键词:萤火虫; 口器;功能性结构;捕食行为
英文关键词:firefly, mouthpart, functional morphology, predation behavior
中文摘要:对短角窗萤Diaphanes sp.和胸窗萤Pyrocoelia pectoralis Olivier幼虫的捕食行为进行观察。发现短角窗萤捕食蚯蚓而胸窗萤则捕食蜗牛。利用扫描电镜对短角窗萤和胸窗萤幼虫的头部及口器进行观察比较。发现2种幼虫均具有1对侧单眼,1对发达的、左右对称的3节触角。2种幼虫口器非常发达,具1对锋利的、中空的镰刀状上颚,1对下颚须,1对下唇须,1对内颚叶。2种萤火虫口器最具特别的结构在于:短角窗萤上颚的2/3处内侧着生1个球形结构,上面着生1层齿状结构,而胸窗萤则在上颚基部内侧弯曲成齿状突起。
英文摘要:The larval predation behavior of two species of firefly, Diaphanes sp. and Pyrocoelia pectoralis, was observed. Larvae of D. sp. preyed on earthworms whereas P. pectoralis preyed on snails. The structures of larval head and mouthparts of these two species were observed with scanning electron microscope. Both two species of firefly had well-developed three segments of antenna and a pair of lateral ocellus. Larval mouthpart was well-developed, and composed of one pair of sharp, hollow and curved mandibles, max palp, lacinia and labial palp. The mandibles were significantly different between two species of larvae. A globular structure with a layer of teeth structure covered on 2/3 inner mandible in D. sp., whereas a large teeth structure on the base of inner mandible found in P. pectoralis.