Bionomics and occurrence of Notobius meleagris in Guizhou
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作者单位:贵州铜仁职业技术学院生物工程系 贵州 铜仁 554300
中文关键词:慈竹, 黑竹缘蝽, 生物学
英文关键词:Notobitus meleagris, Sinocalamus affinis, biology
中文摘要:黑竹缘蝽Notobitus meleagris (Fabricius)属半翅目缘蝽科。国内分布于浙江、福建、广东、广西、江西、四川、云南、贵州、台湾等省区。近2年发现在贵州严重发生。黑竹缘蝽在贵州铜仁1年发生2 代,10月中旬以成虫在石缝、树洞及皮缝、柴垛等干燥而隐蔽的场所越冬,翌年4月中下旬开始活动,经补充营养后交配、产卵。每雌虫产卵1~2块,卵期4~7 d,以若虫、成虫刺吸慈竹竹笋汁液,使竹子生长衰弱,严重时造成竹笋枯死。提出黑竹缘蝽有效的防治措施,并从天敌的利用方面进行探讨。
英文摘要:Notobius meleagris Fabricus. belongs to Coreidae, in China it is distributed in Zhejiang, Fujiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Taiwan provinces. This harmful insect has severely reproduced and cause diaster in Guizhou province recent years. Notobitus meleagris (Fabricius) reproduced two generations every year in Tongren region Guizhou Province, in the winter its imago lives in the dry and covert places such as rocky gap, tree cave, bark firewood stock, it starts its activities next spring when the weather turns warmer. Then it upplements nutrition to go on copulates, female imago generates 1 to 2 eggs one time, keeping hatch the eggs for 4 to 7 days. The nymphae and imago of N. meleagris Fabricus. harms Sinocalamus affinis (Rendle.) Meclure. by pierced and sucked the bamboo shoot, leads the bamboo grow slowly and even dies. The paper has also introduced some effective measures to prevent and control the N. meleagris ricus.and how to utilize its natural enemies.