Techniques and methods for collecting insect haemolymph
王 岩**;马 纪;刘小宁***
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作者单位:新疆大学生命科学与技术学院 新疆生物资源基因工程重点试验室 乌鲁木齐 830046
中文关键词:昆虫, 血淋巴, 收集方法
英文关键词:Insects, haemolymph, collecting methods
英文摘要:Haemolymph is one of the most important materials for the physiological and biochemical study of insects. In this paper various methods for collecting insect haemolymph from different insects are analyzed and summarized. Insect preparation before haemolymph collection and pretreatment of the collected haemolymph are introduced. Meanwhile, based on the relative research in our laboratory, problems and experience during collecting haemolymph are expounded in order to provide an effective way for the experiments involving haemolymph collection.