Dynamics of red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta in Wuchuan, Guangdong
李宁东;曾 玲;梁广文;陆永跃
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作者单位:华南农业大学 红火蚁研究中心 广州 510642
中文关键词:红火蚁, 活动蚁巢, 工蚁, 蚁丘体积, 动态
英文关键词:Solenopsis invicta, active mound, worker ant, volume of mound, dynamics
中文摘要:采用系统调查的方法研究广东吴川红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren蚁巢数量、蚁丘体积和工蚁的年度变化规律,结果表明1年之中红火蚁活动蚁巢密度出现2个高峰期,分别在6~8月和10~12月;4~7月和10~11月新增活动蚁巢数量较大;蚁巢自然消亡出现在多个时间,其中以9月最多。4~11月红火蚁工蚁活动旺盛,用诱饵诱集法监测,5、6月和10、11月红火蚁工蚁出现2个明显盛期,而陷阱法中工蚁数量为单峰型,高峰出现在7月。2种监测方法获得的工蚁数量间相关系数为0.88,达到极显著相关。气温、地表温度、5 cm土壤温度与2种方法获得的工蚁数量间相关系数分别为0.88,0.88,0.86和0.93,0.94,0.95,均达极显著水平。红火蚁蚁丘体积4~6月、9~12月增大幅度较大,其中6月份蚁巢增长最为明显。
英文摘要:The population dynamics of red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren)had been studied in Wuchang, Guangdong, for more than one year. The results showed that two peaks of the mound density were found from June to August and from October to December, respectively, and a large number of newly mound were found from April to July and from October to November, respectively. The highest number of mound disappeared on September. With bait traps, the workers of red imported fire ant worked actively from April to November, in which two peaks were found from May to June and from October to December, respectively. However, with pitfalls, only one peak of active workers was found on July. The correlation between the numbers of workers estimated by these two methods was greatly significantly (0.88). The correlation coefficients between air temperature, temperature of earth surface, temperature in 5cm soil and the numbers of workers estimated by these two methods were 0.88, 0.88, and 0.86 for bait traps, and 0.93, 0.94 and 0.95 for pitfalls, respectively. The increment of mound volume was higher from April to June and from September to December, especially on June.