The biological characters and behavior of Trichodes sinae
胡 霞;刘 强**
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作者单位:天津师范大学化学与生命科学学院 天津 300387
中文关键词:中华食蜂郭公虫, 生物学特性, 火红拟孔蜂, 行为
英文关键词:Trichodes sinae, bionomics, Hoplitis pyrrhosoma, behavior
中文摘要:中华食蜂郭公虫Trichodes sinae Chevrolat是西鄂尔多斯地区重要传粉昆虫火红拟孔蜂Hoplitis pyrrhosoma Wu的寄生性天敌。文章报道中华食蜂郭公虫除成虫外各虫态的形态特征、生活史及幼虫和成虫的行为等生物学特性。该虫在西鄂尔多斯地区1年发生1代,越冬幼虫于4月上旬开始化蛹,5月中旬陆续羽化出巢,成虫取食植物补充营养后,开始交尾、产卵。1龄幼虫能够寻找并钻入火红拟孔蜂的巢室,取食火红拟孔蜂幼虫,直至结茧化蛹。室温条件下,卵期约6~8 d,幼虫期约260~280 d,蛹期约40~50 d;雄虫寿命约28~30 d,雌虫寿命约35~40 d。
英文摘要:Trichodes sinae Chevrolat is the main parasitoid of Hoplitis pyrrhosoma Wu, a very important pollinator in West Erdos Region, Inner Mongolia of China. This paper reports its immature morphology, life history and biological characteristics. The species completes one generation a year in West Erdos Region. They pupate in early April. The adults emerge from mid May to early June. After having took some plant nutrition, the beetles begin to mate and lay eggs. The first instar larvae are able to find and get into the nest of H. pyrrhosoma, then prey the larvae until it becomes callus. At room temperature, the egg stage is about 6~8 days, the larval stage about 260~280 days, and pupa about 40~50 days; the male adult's longevity is about 28~30 days and the female's about 35~40 days.