Effect of temperature and relative humidity on eclosion of overwintering adults of Cnidocampa flavescens
鞠瑞亭1;李跃忠1;王 凤1,2;杜予州2;朱 锋1,2
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作者单位:1上海市园林科学研究所 上海 200232;2扬州大学应用昆虫研究所 扬州 22500
中文关键词:温度, 相对湿度, 黄刺蛾, 越冬代, 羽化
英文关键词:temperature, relative humidity, Cnidocampa flavescens, overwintering adults, eclosion
中文摘要:The effect of temperature and relative humidity on eclosion of overwintering adults of Cnidocampa flavescens (Walker) was studied. The results showed that the optimal temperature for eclosion ranged from 20℃ to 30℃, with the eclosion rate from 8250% to 8725%, and the eclosion rate decreased significantly on 15℃ and 35℃. Higher relative humidity was favorable for eclosion. The eclosion rates in 80% and 90% RH were 81.00% and 84.00%, respectively, which were higher than those in 70% RH below. The eclosion period was different at different temperature. The eclosion peaks at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35℃were 5th, 4th, 2nd, 2nd, and 3rd week, respectively. The linear and logistic regression methods were used for analyzing the relationship of the eclosion period and temperature. The estimated end of eclosion at 25℃ was earliest (3rd June)with linear regression method.
研究温度、相对湿度等主要环境因子对黄刺蛾Cnidocampa flavescens (Walker)越冬代成虫羽化的影响。结果表明,20~30℃是成虫羽化的最适宜温度范围,其羽化率分别可达82.7%~87.3%,15℃和35℃下羽化率显著较低。高相对湿度对成虫羽化有利,RH 80%和90%下羽化率分别为84.0%、81.0%,羽化率比RH 70%以下显著提高。不同温度对黄刺蛾羽化进度有一定影响,在15,20,25,30,35℃下,其羽化高峰期分别出现在第5周、第4周、第2周、第2周和第3周;分别用直线回归和Logisitic回归模拟天数与累计羽化进度的关系,2种模型均极显著。用直线回归模型计算,越冬成虫在25℃下的理论羽化截止日期最早,时间为6月3日。
英文摘要:The effect of temperature and relative humidity on eclosion of overwintering adults of Cnidocampa flavescens (Walker) was studied. The results showed that the optimal temperature for eclosion ranged from 20℃ to 30℃, with the eclosion rate from 8250% to 8725%, and the eclosion rate decreased significantly on 15℃ and 35℃. Higher relative humidity was favorable for eclosion. The eclosion rates in 80% and 90% RH were 81.00% and 84.00%, respectively, which were higher than those in 70% RH below. The eclosion period was different at different temperature. The eclosion peaks at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35℃were 5th, 4th, 2nd, 2nd, and 3rd week, respectively. The linear and logistic regression methods were used for analyzing the relationship of the eclosion period and temperature. The estimated end of eclosion at 25℃ was earliest (3rd June)with linear regression method.