An observation on pollinating insects and their flowervisiting behavior on Pyrola dahurica
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作者单位:1东北林业大学林学院 哈尔滨 150040;2 牡丹江师范学院生物系 牡丹江 157012
中文关键词:兴安鹿蹄草, 传粉昆虫, 访花行为, 访花频率
英文关键词:Pyrola dahurica, pollinators, flower visiting behavior, visiting frequencies
中文摘要:对兴安鹿蹄草(Pyrola dahurica(H.Andr.) Kom.)访花昆虫种类、访花频率、访花时间、访花行为进行初步研究。结果表明:(1)兴安鹿蹄草的访花昆虫有3目、10科、16种,其中传粉昆虫为5科9种,主要的传粉昆虫为杂棘蝇Phaonia hybrida ssp.、熊蜂Bombus ignitus、东北驼花天牛Piidonia puziloi(Soisky)及花蚤rdellidae sp.。(2)各种传粉昆虫访花频率差异较大,杂棘蝇和花蚤日访花有2次高峰,分别在上午9:00~10:00时和下午14:00~15:00时;熊蜂日访花频率较低,在中午11:00~12:00和下午15:00~16:00时较高;东北驼花天牛日访花高峰出现在中午前后。(3)东北驼花天牛访花时间较长,10~15 min,主要吃兴安鹿蹄草花粉。杂棘蝇访花时间较短,10~25 s,主要舔食柱头分泌物。熊蜂访花时间最短只有5~10 s,主要吃兴安鹿蹄草花粉。
英文摘要:The species of visiting insects, visiting frequency, visiting time and visiting behavior to Pyrola dahurica (H.Andr.) Kom were preliminarily studied. The result indicated: (1) Visiting insects to P. dahurica (H.Andr.) Kom include 3 orders,10 families and 16 species, in which the pollinating insects are 9 species belonging to 5 families. The mainly pollinating insects include Phaonia hybrida ssp.,Bombus ignitus, Piidonia puziloi(Soisky) and Mordellidae sp. (2) The visiting frequency is obviously different among various pollinating insects. The visiting frequency of P. hybrida ssp and Mordellida reaches the high peak twice each day,at 9:00~10:00 a.m. and 14:00~15:00 p.m. respectively; The visiting frequency of Bombus ignitus is very low each day, which is comparatively higher at 11:00~12:00 a.m. and 15:00~16:00 p.m. than the other time in a day; The visiting frequency of P. puziloi reaches the high peak at about noon each day.(3) Among the three main pollinating insects, the visiting time of P. puziloi is the longest, about 10~15 minutes, which mainly eats the pollen of P. dahurica. The visiting time of P. hybrida ssp is comparatively shorter, about 10~25 seconds, which mainly laps the stigma secretionof the P. dahurica, and that of B. ignitus is the shortest, about 5~10 seconds, which mainly eats the pollen of P. dahurica.