The larval instars and stadia of the longhorn beetle Glenea cantor
赖开平1,2**;陆 温2***;刘德星2;骆峥嵘2;高鹏宇1
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作者单位:1广西化工研究院 南宁 530001;2广西大学 农学院 南宁 530005
中文关键词:眉斑并脊天牛, 幼虫龄数, 龄期, 幼虫特征
英文关键词:Glenea cantor, larval instars, stadia, larval characters
测定头壳宽度室内观察结果表明,眉斑并脊天牛Glenea cantor(Fabricius)幼虫有4龄。1~4龄幼虫的头壳宽度分别为(0.66±0.20),(1.45±0.20),(2.22±0.23),(3.26±0.29)mm。其龄数(Y)与幼虫头壳宽(X)度符合关系式 Y=0.2975+1.1606X。在25℃条件下,1~4龄幼虫的平均龄期分别为(5.25±0.60),(4.94±0.58),(5.98±0.63)d和(22.92±1.28)d,整个幼虫期为(39.09±2.14)d。还对眉斑并脊天牛各龄幼虫的形态特征作了描述。
英文摘要:By measuring the width of head capsules and rearing observation in laboratory, the results showed that there were 4 instars in larval stage of the kapok long-horned borer, Glenea cantor (Fabricius). The average idths of head capsule from 1 to 4 instars were (0.66±0.20), (1.45±0.20), (2.22±0.22) and (3.26±0.29) mm, respectively. The linear formula of larval instars (Y) and width of head capsule of larvae (X) was: Y=0.2975+1.1606X. At 25℃, the average stadia of the 1st instar to the 4th instar were (5.25±0.60), (4.94±0.58), (5.98±0.63)d and (22.92±1.28)d, respectively, and the total larval duration was (39.09±2.14)d. The larval morphology were also described.