Bionomics of the sphingid Gurelca hyas
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作者单位:湖南环境生物职业技术学院 衡阳 421005
中文关键词:团角锤天蛾, 生物学特性, 危害, 防治
英文关键词:Gurelca hyas, bionomics, damage, control
中文摘要:团角锤天蛾Gurelca hyas (Walker)危害园林植物——银边六月雪(Serissa foetida cv. Aureovaiegata),以幼虫取食寄主叶片和嫩梢。该虫在湖南省衡阳地区1年发生3代,以老熟幼虫在寄主附近土壤中筑土室化蛹并以蛹在土室中越冬。翌年8月上旬越冬代成虫开始羽化。 幼虫5龄,多数幼虫在发育过程中会出现体色变化。第1代、第2代和第3代幼虫分别于8月中旬、9月中旬和10月中旬孵化,各代幼虫均能对寄主造成严重为害。
英文摘要:Gurelca hyas (Walker) injures the garden plant, Serissa foetida cv. ‘Aureovaiegata'. The larva eats the leaves and tender tops of its host. It has three generations per year in Hengyang area, Hunan Province. The old larva digs into the soil nearby the host plant and forms a soil-chamber to pupate. Thepupa overwinters in the chamber. The adult of over-wintering generation emerges in the first ten days of August. The larvae undergo 5 instars and most larvae can change their body color during the development. The larva of the first, second and third generations hatches in the mid-August, mid-September and midOctober respectively, all of which can cause serious damage to the host.